[22:53:21] <Sekz> Anyone remember ChatCircuit?
[22:53:29] <Guest39269> but youre right i was 10 in 2001
[22:53:33] <Guest39269> since im 18 now
[22:53:39] <Nikumubeki> The server that banned #massassi?
[22:53:42] <Jim7> Join Date: 08-08-2000 <--- mostly incorrect... that would be my unbanned date
[22:53:44] <Sekz> Yes
[22:53:54] <Nikumubeki> I remember someone testing if #massassi was still banned there in 2006... it was.
[22:54:13] * Guest39269 is now known as Kroko
[22:54:22] <Jim7> banned by blujay for telling someone to kiss my ass and the prick went so far as to delete my account
[22:54:40] <Jim7> #massassi continues to be banned at chatcircuit
[22:54:46] <Kroko> blujay would have been a nazi in nazi germany if he lived there at the time
[22:54:52] <Sekz> It's permanently banned.
[22:54:55] <Kroko> but he didn't so i dunno
[22:55:08] <Kroko> why did they ban massssi
[22:55:17] <Sekz> A metric ****ton of complaints.
[22:55:24] <Sekz> And violations.
[22:55:26] <Kroko> what for¨
[22:55:32] <Jim7> * Now talking in #massassi
[22:55:33] <Jim7> * ChanServ has joined #massassi
[22:55:33] <Jim7> * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*
[22:55:33] <Jim7> * You were kicked from #massassi by ChanServ (This channel may not be used.)
[22:55:58] <Sekz> Lots of swearing and harassing and such.
[22:56:36] <Sekz> At the time, JLee (CadetLee then) was the one running the channel.
[22:56:38] <Jim7> ****** was testing a script which did some serious flooding, charcircuit gestapo showed up and questioned juz and juz dared to use the word "****"
[22:56:46] <Sekz> Yeah
[22:56:58] <Sekz> There were numerous violations prior to that, but that was the big one.
[22:57:40] <Jim7> chatcircuit admins would make hitler proud
[22:58:10] <Sekz> I'm pretty sure you'd get banned, even to this day, for saying ****** on that server.
[22:58:33] <Jim7> it would appear they no longer automatically ban you from the server for trying to access #massassi
[22:58:54] <Kroko> <+Sekz> At the time, JLee (CadetLee then) was the one running the channel. <- pretty nice how he was promoted to a cop since then
[22:59:00] <Nikumubeki> Such unforgiveness!
[22:59:10] <Sekz> I don't remember what server we went to right after that. I know we ended up on Holonet for a period of time.