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ForumsDiscussion Forum → New Amazing Spider-Man trailer
New Amazing Spider-Man trailer
2012-02-07, 7:52 AM #1
Just saw this.
Sorry, don't know how to play this video :(

I rolled my eyes when I heard they were doing a reboot, though I'm admittedly giddy now.
My blawgh.
2012-02-07, 9:22 AM #2
I don't like the look of the suit, but neat.
2012-02-07, 9:49 AM #3
Looks tight.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-07, 11:37 AM #4
I'm just glad that Doc Connors is there.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2012-02-07, 1:23 PM #5
I loved Toby, but this looks better than I imagined
2012-02-07, 2:03 PM #6
Originally posted by Ford:
I'm just glad that Doc Connors is there.

he was there the last time they did spidey... we just got denied The Lizard
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2012-02-07, 3:05 PM #7
Well at least the villain is a different one. I just hope there's not a lot of "oh noes a spider bited me and I feel weird now" crap.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2012-02-07, 3:09 PM #8
MJ is blonde I think that's cool. If only they'd done that and made Parker black.
2012-02-07, 3:19 PM #9
THATS GWEN STACEY YOU oh its sab carry on
2012-02-07, 3:23 PM #10
Originally posted by saberopus:
MJ is blonde I think that's cool. If only they'd done that and made Parker black.

Nope Asian makes more sense, he would fit the physicist role better


(Neil Degrasse Tyson)
2012-02-07, 4:04 PM #11
Originally posted by Baconfish:
THATS GWEN STACEY YOU oh its sab carry on

gwen who the ****

are you some kind of nerd?

you ain't played jk but you can distinguish spiderman waifs

damn this culture barrier!

2012-02-07, 5:08 PM #12
Still looks lame :colbert:

The only think that look worth while in this movie are Gwen Stacey's ****.

SPOILER ALERT: She dies... (maybe not in this one, but she will die, all the Stacy's must die!!)

SPOILER ALERT: denis leary dies too!!!!!! All the Stacy's must die!!!!!
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2012-02-07, 5:13 PM #13
Guess what, Xasthur: Everyone dies. Even you. Some sooner than others. In your case, hopefully soon.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-07, 5:24 PM #14
I was hugely uninterested until they threw Martin Sheen and Denis Leary at me. How can I say no to that?
Also, wisecracking Spidey is back, that's good.

-As an aside, I'm reminded of the fact that Denis Leary looks a lot like Willem Dafoe, to the point that Leary used to joke that he did Spiderman for Willem and Willem does Rescue Me for him. Which is all too weird now.
2012-02-07, 5:28 PM #15
Originally posted by Jarl:
-As an aside, I'm reminded of the fact that Denis Leary looks absolutely nothing like Willem Dafoe and I'm gonna stfu now

"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2012-02-07, 5:36 PM #16
If you were far away and saw one, your sure you wouldn't confuse him with the other???? get real now, the only way to tell one from the other is you can see Learys ego from a mile away, and we all know dafoe must smell at least half as bad as he looks...
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2012-02-07, 6:40 PM #17
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
dafoe must smell at least half as bad as he looks...

Someone that looks like you should not talk about other people looking like they smell bad.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-07, 6:44 PM #18
Done and done.

-anyways... yeah, good trailer.
2012-02-07, 8:19 PM #19
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
If you were far away and saw one, your sure you wouldn't confuse him with the other????


I'm sorry, was that supposed to be a difficult question?
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2012-02-07, 8:26 PM #20
If I'm not mistaken, Denis Leary is pretty damned tall, and Willem Dafoe is pretty damned not tall.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-07, 8:41 PM #21
I webbed all over my pants oh god this is awkward
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-02-08, 9:39 PM #22
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2012-02-09, 4:32 AM #23
I liked the trailer, thanks for posting. :)
2012-02-09, 7:33 AM #24
Isn't it a little soon for a re-boot? The spider man films aren't exactly old.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2012-02-09, 8:46 AM #25
Yeah but since it involves Martin Sheen I'm willing to let it slide.
2012-02-09, 10:30 AM #26
I don't like what I'm seeing of this new Spider-man myself. It feels like it's not adding anything new, and it feels like they're taking the scene in Spiderman 3 that parodied the whole emo-dark stuff and decided to take it as a serious motif for the whole movie. They probably did the latter because they assume that, if it works for the Batman reboot, it'll work for everything else.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-02-09, 10:39 AM #27
This reboot doesnt bother me so much, maybe because the previous series made it three movies deep (unlike Hulk or Superman- rebooting after one movie).
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-02-09, 11:33 AM #28
Other than the first one, I didn't much like the original Spider-man movies anyway. I feel like this one takes the situation more seriously. Whether that's "emo" or not I don't really know or care, but I like the feel of it so far.
2012-02-09, 12:06 PM #29
I don't know why people get bent out of shape about movie reboots when the comics have been rebooted so many times as well.
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2012-02-09, 1:04 PM #30
Yeah, I would understand if there weren't dozens of different stories to retell in movie form. It would be a different story if they started production on a remake of Watchmen or V for Vendetta.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-09, 1:12 PM #31
Originally posted by TimeWolfOfThePast:
I don't know why people get bent out of shape about movie reboots when the comics have been rebooted so many times as well.

Well to be fair most of these comics have a history of 50+ years now, of course alot of reboots can be expected in that time frame. I don't mind reboots provided they just dont keep repeating the origin story. It needs to be able to proceed to a new story arc.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-02-09, 1:35 PM #32
The problem with not retelling an origin story is people are stupid. They get confused about whether it's a reboot, or a sequel that just has different actors. Case-in-point: The Hulk series. Is the Edward Norton Hulk movie a sequel to the Eric Bana one, or is it a reboot? You'll get conflicting answers from even people at Marvel Studios.

In the case of Superman, was Superman Returns a sequel or a reboot? It's obvious that it was a blatant tribute to the Richard Donner Superman movies, but which was it? It can easily be considered either. You could go the same route with Batman Forever. Sure, we know it's supposed to be a sequel because it has a handful of the same actors in it, but otherwise it's incredibly hard to really consider it to be a sequel.

People act like this is a new trend, and it really isn't.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-10, 7:18 PM #33
I think The Incredible Hulk was definitely a reboot, with RDJ Tony Stark at the end making a cameo, building to The Avengers. Then conflict among Norton and Marvel happened and now you have Mark Ruffalo instead.

With Superman Returns I think it can be considered both a reboot and sequel at the same time (like you said can be argued about The Hulk/Incredible Hulk). If anything, Superman Returns was a sequel to Superman I/II, but was also setting the stage for a new run of the franchise. So I guess it could be better considered a bridge movie.
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2012-02-10, 7:21 PM #34
And the new Superman movie is a right and proper reboot.

-I actually prefer that approach. You can borrow elements if you want, but if you're going to start over just start over and don't pussy-foot around it.
2012-02-10, 7:21 PM #35
Man of Steel is looking like an undeniable reboot.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-02-10, 8:05 PM #36
This Spiderman seems a lot more like actual Spiderman.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2012-02-10, 8:09 PM #37
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
Man of Steel is looking like an undeniable reboot.

When you make the switch from "the guy who did X-Men 1 & 2" to "the guy who did Watchmen and 300" it's pretty obvious that you're headed in a radically different direction.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-10, 9:03 PM #38
After watching the trailer again, I realized that the dude playing Spider-man looks a LOT like David Tennant (as Doctor Who) in this. Especially when his hair is all whipped back.

Please tell me I'm not the only one.
2012-02-10, 10:20 PM #39
They were in an episode together. Daleks of Manhattan.

-I myself do not see the resemblance, except in that they are both skinny white guys with good hair.
2012-02-10, 10:21 PM #40
Originally posted by Jarl:
They were in an episode together. Daleks of Manhattan.

-I myself do not see the resemblance, except in that they are both skinny white guys with good hair.


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