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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Mass Effect 3 demo
Mass Effect 3 demo
2012-02-17, 12:01 PM #41
Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival were both good. I understand being gun-shy about DLC, but come on.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-02-17, 12:36 PM #42
They were crappy addons. But that doesn't even matter.

It's not about the existence of DLC, it's the manner in which it's used.
2012-02-17, 12:37 PM #43
Did you play the ME2 DLC stuff, CM?
2012-02-17, 12:43 PM #44
massive effect is the bizzomb

fo shizz
2012-02-17, 1:43 PM #45
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
They were crappy addons. But that doesn't even matter.

It's not about the existence of DLC, it's because it's Electronic Arts.

Fixed that for you.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-17, 2:03 PM #46
Originally posted by Antony:
Fixed that for you.

Ironically, that is exactly true. They're not the only ones to do it, but they are most likely responsible for it here.
2012-02-17, 11:56 PM #47
MotS is my favorite sequel.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-02-18, 3:58 PM #48
Pissing contest much?
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2012-02-18, 5:09 PM #49
Originally posted by Alan:
MotS is my favorite sequel.

mission pack.
2012-02-18, 9:37 PM #50
Originally posted by Couchman:
mission pack.

error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-02-18, 9:41 PM #51
MotS is one of the golden examples of this concept done right. It's as long as a full game, but priced as an expansion pack. It could have easily been sold as a sequel, but wasn't. Honestly, I can't see the complaining about DLC these days. I don't particularly like paying for it, especially when it's not a ton of content, but I'm rather powerless to stop it, aren't I? If I wanna play it, I'll just have to pay what it costs. That's basic supply and demand.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-18, 11:30 PM #52
"basic supply and demand" also suggests that you do have some power to stop it :P
2012-02-19, 3:27 AM #53
Originally posted by Antony:
MotS is one of the golden examples of this concept done right. It's as long as a full game, but priced as an expansion pack. It could have easily been sold as a sequel, but wasn't.

It's like he says what we're all thinking!

(antony for pres 2012)
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-02-19, 7:47 AM #54
Asking a developer to charge less for the same amount of content just because it's 'DLC' is a little absurd too.
2012-02-19, 7:54 AM #55
Originally posted by Alan:


Companion Missions, were both wrong
2012-02-19, 8:11 AM #56
Originally posted by JM:
Asking a developer to charge less for the same amount of content just because it's 'DLC' is a little absurd too.

This is also correct. The DLC needs to be worth the money though, and not just horse armor.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-19, 8:13 AM #57
Originally posted by Antony:
This is also correct. The DLC needs to be worth the money though, and not just horse armor.

LOL the horse armor, I waited until all that **** was bundled in KOTN
2012-02-23, 12:04 AM #58
Originally posted by saberopus:
Did you play the ME2 DLC stuff, CM?

Also wondering about this.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2012-02-23, 1:02 AM #59
Shadow broker is each about as long as MoTS too, and all of the DLC definitely cost as much to make (atleast) then MoTS.
2012-02-23, 6:51 AM #60
as much then? than? as? much? what?
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2012-02-23, 7:32 AM #61

Kinda long but he has some good points
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2012-02-23, 7:43 AM #62
I don't need to even click play, when I see that title screen, a dollar sign, and a 25 minute runtime... I know what I'm in for.
2012-02-23, 8:08 AM #63
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Also wondering about this.

I already said I did.
2012-02-23, 8:36 AM #64
It's not the first time I've ever seen anything like that. In Forza 3 and 4 there were launch DLC that the ai drivers had access to even if you didn't buy it. It made it incredibly difficult to win some of the races unless you had it.

As far as this prothean character goes, who gives a ****? I can see why he thinks it's going to be a big deal, but if you honestly think that's going to be the only instance of a prothean showing up in the story, then you're insane. I would be seriously surprised if it was pivotal to the actual storyline. His entire argument is built on unknowns, which makes it completely invalid. He doesn't know that the character is actually extremely important.

I'm sure EA/Bioware are going to **** their pants that a handful of crybabies claim that they won't buy it if it isn't changed.
>>untie shoes
2012-02-23, 8:46 AM #65
This is also not to say that I think day one DLC is good, either. I think it's stupid, but there's no point in getting all pissed about it. Don't any of these people have better **** to worry about?
>>untie shoes
2012-02-23, 12:01 PM #66
I think DLC in general is just getting out of control.. I don't see how the hell these kids can afford $60 games plus another $60 of DLC **** that comes out over the next year.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2012-02-23, 12:09 PM #67
I agree. Some of these nerds act like they are obligated to buy big titles. I enjoyed the demo, I'm likely going to buy it. I honestly don't care if Bioware is trying to tell a story with different elements in it than the last game. So many people *****ed about ME2 because it made some changes that they failed to recognize the vast improvements that were made to gameplay.

I'll admit I'm annoyed by the DLC thing as well. Though ME2 delivered for me without it, and I'm sure ME3 will as well. No point whining about speculations.
My blawgh.
2012-02-23, 12:21 PM #68
I suppose the biggest reason it doesn't bother me is that I don't buy a lot of games, so I don't really mind buying the DLC for games that I actually bought, and liked.
>>untie shoes

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