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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Dark Knight Rises....
The Dark Knight Rises....
2012-07-27, 9:22 AM #81
Originally posted by Ford:
I saw it yesterday, obviously one of the prints the audio of bane's voice was tweaked because it sounded mostly like a voiceover. Did anyone else think he sounded like he was doing a Sean Connery impression the whole time?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free
2012-07-27, 10:38 AM #82
I saw it in IMAX last night. What a worthless IMAX production. Maybe a third, at best, of the shots were even filmed in IMAX. The ones that did looked amazing. But the rest of it was regular film and scaled up. I don't know if it was the IMAX adaptation or what, but some scenes just looked like ****. Blurry and maybe out of focus, it was awful. I expected a lot more from Nolan on that front.

Also, and this might be the theater as well, but the music track was WAY too ****ing loud. What is it with Hollywood audio producers being SO ****ing clueless that they can't realize how to make a soundtrack that doesn't completely blast over the dialogue??

The movie itself was great. I liked the reinterpretation of Bane.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-07-27, 1:46 PM #83
going to see it tomorrow. excited to see how they handle bane. bane is probably my favorite D.C. villain ever and im really looking forward to seeing his character redeemed after the absolute walking turd that was his character in the "Batman and Robin" 1997 film.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-07-27, 2:32 PM #84
Originally posted by Jarl:
Amusingly, Bane did in this movie everything the Joker wanted to do in the last one: Mayor, dead. Gotham, isolated and crazy. Harvey Dent, destroyed. Batman, not dead but good enough.

Well Joker never wanted to kill Batman. In the comics Joker was rather pissed that Bane broke Batman's back, but that's another discussion.

I thought it was interesting that Bane actually solidified Batman as a hero. After the Joker, Batman went away for years. After Bane, Batman will always be remembered as savior of the city.
2012-07-27, 7:55 PM #85
Exactly my point, Spec. The Joker tells Batman he doesn't want to kill him, he's too fun. But he does want to harm him, to twist him and change him. And Bane did this successfully, though by the end Batman had taken control of the situation.

-Also, "Jonathan Robin Blake" could work, I suppose.
2012-07-27, 8:16 PM #86
I seriously feel like John isn't really an actual name of his. It's the most common western name on the planet. You think maybe he just hated his real name and started going by that?
>>untie shoes
2012-07-27, 10:16 PM #87
It's the most common western[/I] name on the planet[/I].

"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2012-07-27, 10:18 PM #88
Originally posted by Jarl:
Exactly my point, Spec. The Joker tells Batman he doesn't want to kill him, he's too fun. But he does want to harm him, to twist him and change him. And Bane did this successfully, though by the end Batman had taken control of the situation.

-Also, "Jonathan Robin Blake" could work, I suppose.'s kind of a fine line. He does want to harm him, but more emotionally than physically I think. He wants to twist him...but he already knows that Batman is twisted. Bruce Wayne is twisted, he's on the exact opposite end of the spectrum that Joker is. He absolutely does want to change him, but at the same time, Joker wouldn't have anything to do after he did. At this point we can talk for months about the Joker and his motives, he is the greatest comic book villain of all time after all!

Bane never twisted Batman. Hell, he never even came close to twisting Batman. And if he changed Batman in anyway, it was only to strengthen his motivations. Bane's actions towards Batman only made Batman stronger. He never questioned himself, like he did in the Dark Knight ("I see know what I would have to become to stop men like him"), nor did he make Batman doubt himself.

The news feed Bane provided him? Made him stronger.
Breaking his back? Made him stronger.
Putting him in an that prison, where hope of escaping was used against him? Made him stronger.
Revealing Harvey Dent's true self in front of everyone? Made him immortal.
2012-07-27, 10:40 PM #89
The best case of the Joker vs Batman is when the Joker killed Jason Todd because he more or less felt that Batman was slacking off. That pretty much sums it up.
>>untie shoes
2012-07-27, 11:36 PM #90
Originally posted by Emon:
I saw it in IMAX last night. What a worthless IMAX production. Maybe a third, at best, of the shots were even filmed in IMAX. The ones that did looked amazing. But the rest of it was regular film and scaled up. I don't know if it was the IMAX adaptation or what, but some scenes just looked like ****. Blurry and maybe out of focus, it was awful. I expected a lot more from Nolan on that front.

I think worthless is a strong word when no other Hollywood film has used the IMAX format exclusively. TDKR has over an hour of footage (I believe TDK had only 30 minutes), more than any other (non-documentary) film released. Also, most films exhibited on IMAX are shot on 35mm then stretched out to fill the screen, which is a shame. If there's one film to see in IMAX, it's this one, no contest.
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2012-07-28, 10:43 AM #91
It's possible the blurriness may have been due to Christopher Nolan's preference for using prime lenses, as a character moves through a scene they can easily fall out of focus. It happened a lot when Bruce and Selina were dancing at the ball, there were also a lot of cuts to different cameras to compensate.
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2012-07-28, 10:57 AM #92
Yeah, and Wally Pfister has a thing for really shallow depth of field.
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2012-07-28, 5:05 PM #93
Just came back from seeing it. It's awesome. bane was perfect. The bit with 'robin' was not as atrocious as it seemed like it would be.

also - Is "the pit" prison supposed to be the Lazarus pit? if so i actually thought the whole idea was fairly well done.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2012-08-02, 5:45 AM #94
I finally saw it last night, and I honestly wasn't keen on it.

Particularly the choppy pacing in the first hour and a half.

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