The comic is broken into separate "stories" each with a beginning, middle, and end. Unlike most web comics it's not a forever-ongoing-oh-let's-just-continue-to-draw-stuff deal. After one story (from 50 to 100 strips) ends, a new story begins, sharing the same universe and the same MC(s).
Option 1:
Standard web comic, release a new strip every week for free. You have to wait a week for new strips. The minus of this I think is if I'm reading a comic for its story (and this comic is definitely story-orientated), I'd rather read the entire issue than wait 1 week each. The plus is that readers check your page every week?
Option 2:
OK, this is something that I haven't seen done before, and perhaps for good reason... But perhaps not. Entire full stories are released for free once completed (again, 50 to 100 strips). You can easily read them in one go. Once the site is up you can read story #1 in full for free. Now, to see the next story you would have to wait until it is completed in full which may take up to half a year or more (at the speed of 1 / 2 strips a week). ALTERNATIVELY, you would have an option to pay let's say $0.05 cents a week and receive the updates weekly. Once you pay the $0.05 you get access to all the content that's been there before as well, so let's say you decide to start paying weekly 5 months into production, you get 5 months of weekly comics that came before. The minus here for the non-subscribers is of course that by the time you complete the full story people might forget about the comic, but, IMO if you're doing it for ZIE ART, then as long as you're happy with the artwork and the story, it shouldn't matter so much...
Hmm. What do you think? Please do note that the goal here isn't to make lots of money or anything like that (anyone who starts a webcomic with that goal in mind is in the wrong business, heh).
Option 1:
Standard web comic, release a new strip every week for free. You have to wait a week for new strips. The minus of this I think is if I'm reading a comic for its story (and this comic is definitely story-orientated), I'd rather read the entire issue than wait 1 week each. The plus is that readers check your page every week?
Option 2:
OK, this is something that I haven't seen done before, and perhaps for good reason... But perhaps not. Entire full stories are released for free once completed (again, 50 to 100 strips). You can easily read them in one go. Once the site is up you can read story #1 in full for free. Now, to see the next story you would have to wait until it is completed in full which may take up to half a year or more (at the speed of 1 / 2 strips a week). ALTERNATIVELY, you would have an option to pay let's say $0.05 cents a week and receive the updates weekly. Once you pay the $0.05 you get access to all the content that's been there before as well, so let's say you decide to start paying weekly 5 months into production, you get 5 months of weekly comics that came before. The minus here for the non-subscribers is of course that by the time you complete the full story people might forget about the comic, but, IMO if you're doing it for ZIE ART, then as long as you're happy with the artwork and the story, it shouldn't matter so much...
Hmm. What do you think? Please do note that the goal here isn't to make lots of money or anything like that (anyone who starts a webcomic with that goal in mind is in the wrong business, heh).