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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Disney buying Lucasfilm; Episode 7 on the way
Disney buying Lucasfilm; Episode 7 on the way
2012-10-31, 8:03 AM #41
That last part isn't quite true. Lucas gave the name and general description of Coruscant to Zahn in is creative consultant role.
Completely Overrated Facebook:
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2012-10-31, 8:41 AM #42
Originally posted by Darth J:
That last part isn't quite true. Lucas gave the name and general description of Coruscant to Zahn in is creative consultant role.

This is what Wookieepedia has to say about it:

Coruscant first appeared in the Expanded Universe and was called such for the first time in Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire in 1991. Coruscant wasn't seen on screen until the 1997 Special Edition release of Return of the Jedi, and then later appeared in the prequel trilogy. Coruscant is therefore one of the few EU elements that made its way in to the films.

Doesn't really clarify, but I had always heard that Timothy Zahn penned the name Coruscant. Where did you hear that it was GL's name for the planet?
2012-10-31, 8:58 AM #43
Is this picture for real?


"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2012-10-31, 9:41 AM #44
Hay star moore's weekend at Disney is ****ing amazing.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2012-10-31, 9:54 AM #45
Originally posted by Darth J:
That last part isn't quite true. Lucas gave the name and general description of Coruscant to Zahn in is creative consultant role.

To follow up on this again, here's a quote from Leland Chee, who was Lucas Films continuity database manager:

GL is certainly not bound by the EU, though he's certainly open to using things created in it (Aayla Secura and the Coruscant name, for example).

This would seem to indicate that the name "Coruscant" was indeed a product of the EU, not George Lucas. As I recall, Lucas originally intended "Alderaan" to be the name of the capitol planet in the early drafts of ANH. When he again considered incorporating it into RotJ, it's name was Had Abbadon.

Edit: Here's a quote from Zahn himself:

Just to make it clear, I did not invent the planet…George Lucas had invented the planetwide city a long time ago. When I was starting the Thrawn Trilogy, they told me to coordinate with the West End Games source material, and they had it listed as the Imperial Planet. Well nobody names a planet 'Imperial Planet,' so I thought it needed a name, so I picked the word that means glittering: 'Coruscant.' Apparently, when it came time to choose a name [for the films], people persuaded George to go with Coruscant and be done with it. So I felt very vindicated -- the tail wagging the dog. It was an honor to be slipped into the movies this way.
2012-10-31, 10:07 AM #46
Maybe Disney will push the live action show forward now (and keep to the original idea of it being "more mature") since Lucas' company never got around to it via economic concerns (according to the Wiki at least).

But focusing on mobile and social media games instead of high end gaming would be a big mistake in my opinion.
2012-10-31, 10:56 AM #47
<a href="" target="_blank">Sorry, don't know how to play this video :([/URL]
former entrepreneur
2012-10-31, 10:59 AM #48
(edit: oh god what the **** ^ )

oh god all these feelings

i don't know what to feel
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-10-31, 12:49 PM #49
Originally posted by Eversor:
<a href="" target="_blank">Sorry, don't know how to play this video :([/URL]

He moves pretty good for a guy who ain't got no legs.
2012-10-31, 12:56 PM #50
I always thought this one was a nice SW/Disney collaboration in the past.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-10-31, 11:06 PM #51
According to this we wont be seeing EU book being the source material for the new trilogy.
Also, interview with Mark Hamill concerning the new movies.
My blawgh.
2012-11-01, 6:53 AM #52
I hope it has the Imperial Remnant.

I hope there's a Jedi Knight fan on the writing team who throws a character from the game into the background. Weegee or something. How awesome would that be?

I guess the new movies are going to destroy much of the EU, let alone Jedi Knight (if anyone cares, which sadly I do!). It's going to be very interesting to see where they take it.

But lets look at some figures.

The Phantom Menace cost $115 million to make.
Attack of the Clones cost $115 million to make.
Revenge of the Sith cost $113 million to make.

The Avengers meanwhile cost $220 million to make (double one, you could say).

Hopefully that'll mean more sets being built, other than the blue/green screen heavy backgrounds we all came to know and love...
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2012-11-01, 6:59 AM #53
I think the best way to incorporate Han, Luke, and Leia would definitely be in a limited, "Passing the torch" role. Let them have something like extended cameos, but allow new actors/characters to take the focus of the new stories. Sort of like old Spocks role in the new Star Trek movie. Luke as an Obi-Wan figure would be especially appropriate.

If the are distancing themselves from the OT, though, they are going to need another exposition story. Something with a character who is just as new to the Star Wars Universe as many members of the audience are. This is what ANH did really well than TPM completely failed to do. It's also why the new Star Trek was so successful- you didn't need to know anything about the previous Star Trek cannon to understand what was going on.
2012-11-01, 10:41 AM #54
Junior Jedi Knights
Young Indian Jones

Makes sense if it's Disney and aimed for kids. But maybe I'm just being cynical and it will also have something to offer for adults.

OTOH it would be much better to see Jacen Solo kill Mara Jade (not).
2012-11-01, 10:54 AM #55
Since we're on the whole "Disney is going to Mickey Mouse the Star Wars saga" kick, I'll suggest they need to launch a TV show called "That's So Revan".
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2012-11-01, 11:41 AM #56
I'll Mickey Mouse your saga up!
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2012-11-01, 1:37 PM #57
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Since we're on the whole "Disney is going to Mickey Mouse the Star Wars saga" kick, I'll suggest they need to launch a TV show called "That's So Revan".

they should... they just ****ing should

also young indiana jones exists i remember watching it during it's original run
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2012-11-02, 12:58 AM #58
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Since we're on the whole "Disney is going to Mickey Mouse the Star Wars saga" kick, I'll suggest they need to launch a TV show called "That's So Revan".

I wish to file a Grievous against you for this terrible idea
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-11-02, 7:33 AM #59
I don't know how to feel about this.

I really hope they're not going to film any of the post-RotJ EU novels.

All of that is just incredibly retarded, including the ever popular Thrawn trilogy.

It's just not a worthy follow up to the OT, it just isn't.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2012-11-02, 7:56 AM #60
They're definitely not going to go that route for 7-9. On the flip side, if they did use the Zahn novels, at least you know what you're getting. As it stands, we're getting an original story by George Lucas that Luke Skywalker may or may not be involved in.

As far as Zahn penning the name Coruscant, I stand corrected. I must have been mixing up the description of the planet with the name.
Completely Overrated Facebook:
A community dedicated to discussing all things entertainment.
2012-11-02, 8:39 AM #61

Just read that George Lucas is planning to donate most of his billions to charity. Cool, although I gotta wonder if he isnt dying or something. :)
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-11-02, 2:08 PM #62
This is the best news in forever.
2012-11-04, 11:16 PM #63
This occasion sparked a creative idea. Here is the result.
My blawgh.
2012-11-05, 8:24 AM #64
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:
All of that is just incredibly retarded, including the ever popular Thrawn trilogy.

Maybe some of us think you're retarded. (Hah, "maybe")

I'd sure as hell watch me some Darth Bane series though.
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