I thought the new Star Trek movie was good at first too. It had enough nerdy little inside jokes and references to the other series that I was satisfied that it was still the Star Trek universe. But then I went back and re-watched the TOS movies and TNG episodes... and the more I thought about it, the more dissapointed I became with the new Star Trek movie.
The best Star Trek movies and episodes were always the ones that weren't just about armed conflict. The enterprises weren't warships, they were research vessels. Whenever conflict arose, they tried to find peaceful solutions first, before resorting to the use of deadly force. The TNG episode "Measure of a Man," for example, epitomizes everything Trek is supposed to be about- the moral dilemmas that come about as a result of scientific progress and culture clash. The new movie has none of that. It's a good science fiction movie, and it's fun to watch, but it's not a good Star Trek movie.
My girlfriend (who generally has little interest in nerdy things) has gotten into TNG, and she'll sit down and watch episodes with me every so often. It made me so proud when we saw a preview for the next Trek film in theaters, and the first thing she said was "That's not Star Trek. It's not what I think of when I think about Star Trek. It's all action and guns and fighting, that's not what makes Star Trek Star Trek."
I'm worried that Abrams will also "miss the point" when it comes to Star Wars. I don't even know what point there is to miss (it all seems pretty obvious to me), but I'm afraid he'll find a way.