Just got back from seeing it and am currently trying to digest it all.
Like all Zack Snyder films this one is no exception when you can expect a lot of action and special-effects.
I must say I liked the film, it surprised me many times and I felt that it was a good modern treatment for the franchise, not to mention a good foot in the door for future DC comic book films.
I don't want to say more as I am not sure what to say at this time. Has anyone else seen it and what were your thoughts?
P.S. The scenes with Faora were probably my favorite in the entire film.
Like all Zack Snyder films this one is no exception when you can expect a lot of action and special-effects.
I must say I liked the film, it surprised me many times and I felt that it was a good modern treatment for the franchise, not to mention a good foot in the door for future DC comic book films.
I don't want to say more as I am not sure what to say at this time. Has anyone else seen it and what were your thoughts?
P.S. The scenes with Faora were probably my favorite in the entire film.