As silly as JHS seems on the surface & despite its inherent flaws (e.g. aesthetics, gameplay flow, etc.), the high level players (primarily NF gunners) were able to turn it in to quite the chess match. It's a ton of fun for a person or a team of persons to try to take the control room & roof, to keep it & to get down to collect important items in time to get back & keep it again. Some of the best maps were so ugly & flawed that it nearly defies logic for serious editors to enjoy them. However, few serious editors were high level players (though many had/have the delusion that they were) & I suspect that this is why so many great looking maps with great architecture & item placement were never played by most serious players. Jawa Dwelling SE is one of the most ridiculous maps ever conceived but it's so ****ing fun using the traps to kill your friends & to go skydiving that its flaws are easily overlooked in the heat of the moment. Few great editors were able to achieve the type of fun gameplay that some of the sillier maps enabled players to have, unless they went the route of creating something that was good for the role-players (e.g. Drazen Isle).