I wanted to create a thread to see what weird tendencies or habits everyone has. They may be things that are normal to you, but seem strange to others. Whether it be related to food, being obsessive about something, or anything of the like, let's compare and see if we can find people that have similar oddities!
- I hate onions and will painstakingly remove them from any dish that has them, yet I enjoy onion rings. Go figure. (This only applies to the ones with the really thin onions on the inside that stick to the inside of the batter).
- I clip/bite my nails on a daily basis, I can't stand if there's ever any uneven surfaces around my nails.
- Whenever I am prompted for an age verification on websites (gaming sites, or videos that ask for age verification) I always select whatever the initial date that is already plugged in minus about 50 years to make it faster.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)