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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Syria Thread
Syria Thread
2013-09-08, 3:16 PM #81
If Obama is doing it man, then he must have a good reason!
2013-09-08, 4:05 PM #82
heh, remember that time obama took a demand-constrained economy and imposed penalties for employment in the form of mandatory participation in the finance industry?
2013-09-08, 4:24 PM #83
I actually don't because American economic policy is beyond me.
I know it's terrible, mostly for the reason of massive deregulation, but specifics are beyond me.
2013-09-08, 4:47 PM #84
PPACA rewards companies for hiring part-time and temp workers instead of full-time employees. Even though it won't go into effect until 2015, some major companies have already shifted their hiring policies to reflect the new cost.

(The hilarious part is that it's burning Walmart of all companies. Walmart majorly backed PPACA because they were trying to shift their CoE onto taxpayers, but the whole thing is backfiring because PPACA ended up ditching the public option and they can't retain enough part time workers to keep their stores stocked. Golly gee gosh, maybe conspiring with government to make yourself an even more unattractive employer was a bad idea?)
2013-09-08, 11:41 PM #85
2013-09-08, 11:43 PM #86
2013-09-09, 3:46 AM #87
Not sure if serious....
>>untie shoes
2013-09-09, 12:03 PM #88
2013-09-09, 4:49 PM #89
I hope Obama loses the congress vote and is then forced to bomb anyway just so I can watch the political cluster****.
2013-09-09, 5:11 PM #90
Originally posted by Tibby:
I hope Obama loses the congress vote and is then forced to bomb anyway just so I can watch the political cluster****.
You hope for some pretty normal things.

I hope congress replaces 'aye' votes with a roman-style salute and shouting "HAIL SATAN" because the politically-dominant form of Christianity in North America is built on the prosperity gospel which is literally Satanism, and it would be nice if some of the plebs were alerted to what their leaders honestly feel and think.
2013-09-09, 5:56 PM #91
I like to hope realistically.
Hail Satan, or commit suicide if you are voting no. More blood for the blood god.
2013-09-11, 9:53 AM #92
Originally posted by Jon`C:
...the politically-dominant form of Christianity in North America is built on the prosperity gospel which is literally Satanism, and it would be nice if some of the plebs were alerted to what their leaders honestly feel and think.

That is a pretty unfair comparison. I mean lets be reasonable here, Satanism is WAY more benign and nonthreatening that anything influenced by the prosperity gospel.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-09-11, 8:40 PM #93
Apparently Vladimir Putin wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times about Syria.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2013-09-11, 9:18 PM #94
2013-09-11, 10:12 PM #95
I wrote that, it was me, I take full credit.
2013-09-16, 10:40 PM #96
2013-09-17, 5:14 AM #97
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Liberals want the war on Syria? I thought it was just the plutocrats seizing on the first reasonable-sounding excuse.

Well while I agree that it's silly to assume that Obama supporters would automatically support him on this, liberals have indeed supported "humanitarian intervention" on multiple occasions since the 1990s.
2013-09-17, 8:22 AM #98
Originally posted by UltimatePotato:
Apparently Vladimir Putin wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times about Syria.

Interesting. Thanks for posting.

Re: Mr. Putin's closing line about how God has created us all equal, I always thought we're all born different... And that it were the Americans Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson who made everyone equal. ;)
2013-09-17, 8:27 AM #99
The irony of saying that while cracking down on gay rights is actually visible.
Like, you can see it emanating off the text.

also that's terrible you imperialist
2013-09-17, 9:19 AM #100
For the empire!!!
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2013-09-19, 10:07 PM #101
Originally posted by Tibby:
The irony of saying that while cracking down on gay rights is actually visible.
Like, you can see it emanating off the text.

also that's terrible you imperialist

Yeah, I think Putin made a couple of good arguments that are undermined by the fact that he doesn't believe a single thing he said.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2013-09-19, 10:25 PM #102
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
Yeah, I think Putin made a couple of good arguments that are undermined by the fact that he doesn't believe a single thing he said.

I think Putin firmly believes that it is dangerous to allow someone to feel they are exceptional....
2013-09-19, 11:42 PM #103
I'm an exceptional, top tier, world class, second to none, ****poster.
what does that count as
2013-09-20, 12:43 AM #104
you're no tbc.
2013-09-20, 2:04 PM #105
Did TBC almost get yospos closed with a thread called "Hail Stan"? I think not.
Does this "tbc" have a seinfeld gif in his rap sheet? I THINK NOT.
2013-09-20, 9:10 PM #106
That's not ****posting, that's **** posting.

Lol you actually got probated in yospos.
2013-09-20, 10:11 PM #107
I've been probated EVERYWHERE.
Most of it just for harmless bad posting bull****, the only thing I'm actually ashamed of is my only ban from a few years ago I like to think I'm a better person now but who knows.
2013-09-21, 12:56 AM #108
  • Probated for quoting a very long post.
  • Probated for posting 30 pages of Seinfeld gif.
  • Probated for posting a no-content thread.
  • Probated for posting reddit trollface.
  • Probated for posting 3x5 grid of fat star wars fan gif.
  • Probated for trying to get moose milkie to post again.
  • Probated for trying to start a yospos circle jerk thread.

all in a fyad lite ****posting forum that ostensibly has no rules to be broken.

"star poster" indeed.
2013-09-21, 1:09 AM #109
putin was right
2013-09-21, 3:17 AM #110
i didn't say star poster i said bad poster!!!!
i never once said i was a good poster, not once!
wait i never posted trollface, **** someone must've edited that in and now i can't prove otherwise, ****
wtf how did i get probated for tables in dnd if that post was posted before. (i was like 2000 posts behind and too damn lazy to find my own pic so i stole it)
2013-09-26, 8:04 AM #111

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