Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Ideas aren't necessarily good or bad, they are just powerful to the extent that humans have control over their own fates. Granted, external influences like a lack of resources or lack of sufficiently sophisticated social organization have larger effects on humanity, but in today's world, it's worthwhile to note how ideas shape people's lives for better and for worse. Good ideas can lead to better social organization which can help us weather unfavorable external conditions and allow us to assert a little more control over our own lives.
Social welfare is all fine and good, but it seems to be a band-aid fix for deeper cultural problems that we don't have much power to solve.
Social welfare is all fine and good, but it seems to be a band-aid fix for deeper cultural problems that we don't have much power to solve.
except - and this is my point - it's not the criminal/terrorist's "idea" that's either powerful or the problem. nobody out there is shouting "hail satan" and conspiring to trap black people in a spiral of eternal crime and poverty. this **** is all on you. blaming religion/politics/dangerous thinking is a cheap-out so you don't have to face the fact that your decisions (as benign as you think they are) have consequences.
anybody who simultaneously thinks "capitalism is a fundamentally good thing" and "third world child labor sweat shops are wrong" is bull****ting themselves.
gosh I wonder why samantha lewthwaite became a radical islamic terrorist. I mean, after her husband suicide bombed a train station (and frankly, given what we know about al qaeda et al recruiting, he was either suicidally depressed or forced into doing it) she was ostracized by her entire country, widely suspected of being a terrist and weathered assassination attempts against her and her young children. generally made to feel like she didn't belong in christendom and would never be able to make a future for herself or her children in a society that had rejected her totally. but, I mean, the fact that islamic terrorists are the one group of people who would unconditionally accept you is absolutely no excuse. you should just be a responsible british citizen and eat a bullet after giving your children the death they deserve. praise jesus.