Like people want to blame some great conspiracy to destroy knowledge here. And it's a really comforting thought, but that's not what's happening.
What really happened is something like this:
- Some MP's son-in-law wants to digitize Canada's libraries, thinking a little OCR magic is going to do the trick.
- Son-in-law meets with IMTS senior appointees. Nobody really likes the idea, but they sure "like" the MP.
- A fake RFP was drawn up with a tight distribution, describing the son-in-law's product and process in exact terms so nobody else can bid on it.
- The son-in-law's bid is accepted. He is subcontracted through IMTS.
- IMTS aggressively pursues other departments for buy-in. Because accepting would mean sticking your neck out for IMTS, it takes a hilariously long time.
- IMTS lucks out and finds their moron manager in DFO, who agrees to practically any reasonable-sounding deadline without asking a lot of questions.
- The son-in-law massively underestimates the amount of time it will take to digitize DFO's records. A little OCR work turns into years of hand-entry.
- DFO managers thought they'd be able to close 7 libraries next year, so they didn't ask for enough money in their next budget.
- DFO managers aren't going to risk their goddamn careers just to keep 7 libraries open.
- DFO managers close the libraries and liquidate the inventory.
So there we go, that's how you get irreparable harm to Canadian science. No malevolence, no conspiracy. Just a half dozen people who don't care about anything past keeping their jobs, an MP who wants grandkids, and some college drop-out trying to make an easy buck.
Canada, you are your own problem.