Choice. There is always a choice, even in the face of futility. In places and times, imperceivable past the crossroads of reason and faith, of love and needs, of life and death risks, lie both rewards irresistible and consequences unfathomable. Most cannot perceive even the passages of choice before them...
Stage 1
Rees, too stupid to even wear something decent to shield from Fate's certain judgement, stands in front of a petrified fruit tree, its branches having burrowed deep into the cavern ceiling and its trunk carved long ago with the image of a serpent with a head on each end. One head peers down a corridor on the left side of the trunk with a silver door at the end, and the other head peers down an identical corridor on the right side with a wooden door at the end.
Unable to think beyond the most immediate of problems, it's a miracle Rees kicks anything other than the bucket. Fortunately, Rees knows this much, and knows enough to realize that the only hope for gaining wisdom lies down one of those corridors. Rees also possesses a gift of a certain sense, a sense that others didn't possess, a sense Rees focuses on at this moment...
Choice 1
Choice 2
Rees ignores any of the other choices that may have been present.
(Non-Stage Note: Some guidelines for those who would like to continue!
1) The next person to post should select one of the choices offered by the previous poster to continue forth. The person who posts should add at least a line of their own, and then at least two choices for the next poster to select. Don't be afraid to keep it simple, and don't be afraid to be predictable, as what seems the obvious course of action for you isn't the same for another, and certainly not for Rees!
2) Check the thread right before you submit your post, as someone may have already responded to the same post you are. If more than one person responds to a post, respect the response that came first.
3) If a stage seems to have run its course, feel free to devise a new one, either with the same character or another with a similar extrasensory ability.
Have fun!)
Stage 1
Rees, too stupid to even wear something decent to shield from Fate's certain judgement, stands in front of a petrified fruit tree, its branches having burrowed deep into the cavern ceiling and its trunk carved long ago with the image of a serpent with a head on each end. One head peers down a corridor on the left side of the trunk with a silver door at the end, and the other head peers down an identical corridor on the right side with a wooden door at the end.
Unable to think beyond the most immediate of problems, it's a miracle Rees kicks anything other than the bucket. Fortunately, Rees knows this much, and knows enough to realize that the only hope for gaining wisdom lies down one of those corridors. Rees also possesses a gift of a certain sense, a sense that others didn't possess, a sense Rees focuses on at this moment...
Choice 1
...before Rees opts to go down the left corridor. The silver door opens. Beyond the door lies a platinum-colored woman, sleeping on top of a stone pedestal, beyond which is a spiral staircase running down the floor below. It awakens as the door shuts and locks behind on its own.
Choice 2
...before Rees opts to go down the right corridor. The wooden door opens. Beyond the door lies a wooden chest, guarded by a sleeping forest dragon, beyond which is a spiral staircase running down to the floor below. It stirs as the door shuts and locks behind on its own.
Rees ignores any of the other choices that may have been present.
(Non-Stage Note: Some guidelines for those who would like to continue!
1) The next person to post should select one of the choices offered by the previous poster to continue forth. The person who posts should add at least a line of their own, and then at least two choices for the next poster to select. Don't be afraid to keep it simple, and don't be afraid to be predictable, as what seems the obvious course of action for you isn't the same for another, and certainly not for Rees!
2) Check the thread right before you submit your post, as someone may have already responded to the same post you are. If more than one person responds to a post, respect the response that came first.
3) If a stage seems to have run its course, feel free to devise a new one, either with the same character or another with a similar extrasensory ability.
Have fun!)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories