Pretty much. I still think that 1313 had a possibility of going into places (and if only it had been full of DF1 Nar Shaddaa type stuff... oh man!). But eh.
Also, (some of) my highlights from the past decade (2004-2014) in gaming:
* Mass Effect series (2007, 2010, 2012) - Yes, even the third one. I do prefer ME1 to the rest but ME2 is still a bloody amazing game. Oh, and despite starting ME1 twice in 2008 and once in 2010, I only ended up playing through it in 2013, followed by ME2 in later 2013 and ME3 by April 2014.
* Crysis and Crysis: Warhead (2007, 2008) - Not gonna lie, these two (but mostly the main game itself) are one of the best FPS games I ever played and each time I play anything made after, I just keep on comparing it to Crysis and IMO, Crysis just wins. Shame 'bout Crysis 2 (never tried the third one).
* Bioshock 1 (2007) - Haven't played Bioshock Infinite which is apparently the best game ever, but man was the first game quite delicious. Shame 'bout Bioshock 2 (and the escort mission at the end of 1).
* Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011) - Even though many DX fans have seemed to turn against this one in the past year or two, I still think it's a damn fine installation in the DX series. A lot of people compared it to ME2 when it came out, and after playing through ME2 in late 2013 I've got to confess that I did end up liking ME2 more. But still, this game's
awesome to the max.
Honorable mentions (games that I liked quite a bit but haven't really touched or even thought about much after playing through them (some even twice!!).. they're still pretty good, tho'):
GTA: San Andreas (2005 PC), Half-Life 2 (inc. all episodes, 2004-2007), Portal (2007), Prey (2006)... some others
(Of course, these lists are missing
the FGR game from 2004- but of course it was released already in 2000 so)