For the last few months I've seen up to now 5 doctors, (3 GP and 1 GE and 1 PN). It started around june with a fever after taking a stomache anti-parasite medication, followed by some vomiting, followed by constipation, and then it stopped for a week, and then back pains started, difficulty breathing, more constipation, severe heart burn. I quit smoking, after 7 years smoking a pack a day, 13 days ago, and since then I've coughed up some flems with blood... but my blood tests, x rays, and hopefully my spirometer say that I don't have cancer or COPD... for some reason ulcers have been ruled out, the only thing I have been diagnosed with is type 1 obesity, colitis and gastritis, and apparently a depresive anxiety disorder. My meds aren't really helping, and I've run out of money for now so I can't go switch docs again. I don't feel terrible, but I'm a long ways from feeling good. COPD hasn't been totally ruled out, my spirometer test will determine that. I'm desperate, I need some support of some kind, and this is my last resort. I usually take more time to write things but I'm just writing it as it flows, a good number of people have abandoned me in these times, and I'm scared. I'd post longer, but I am at work atm and can't stay on for more than a few mins.
Nothing to see here, move along.