I find it interesting that you imply that I agree with the possible punishment the teen may get, when my first statement is that I consider it excessive. I am merely trying to point out that his actions are no laughing matter, it is a serious offense to a broad range of groups.
Second, if what is said about the DA is true, then yes, he is no model of morality and shouldn't even have his job, and yes, 2 years is excessive for an act like this. NO ONE HAS ARGUED THESE POINTS.
To Reid, I don't think you want to go down this road of covering explicit sexual posing with public statues as protected under freedom of speech, if anything, these kind of actions could easily be considered hate speech, and if you can't see why anyone could possibly arrive at such a conclusion, then you are hopelessly handicapped at understanding others.
To Rev. Jones, I would very much like to live in a post-enlightenment society, but such actions are counterproductive and solely provocative. Seriously, what does anyone expect the normal behavior of any Christian to be when they see such a photograph? Do you think they will find it funny? Should people who are offended by this, whatever the reason, be antagonized? Isolated? Ridiculed? I just don't see how we can consider this as acceptable behavior. You know, I really don't like the beliefs of several groups, but I don't go around making their lives unpleasant by any degree by going out of my way and posing in a manner they would find offensive towards their images, and we can coexist peacefully, free of problems. Is it so much to expect that the norm be that everyone live in such a way?
Nothing to see here, move along.