(Still) On 13 week vacation
Posts: 10,289
Two lawyers are walking down the street, and they find a genie's lamp in the gutter. The first lawyer picks it up and rubs it. He drops the lamp on the ground as it starts shaking and glowing bright white, and after a moment, a genie comes pouring out.
The genie says "I'll grant you three wishes, but here are my rules: You can't wish for money, you can't wish for unlimited soda-pop, and you can't wish for different weather."
The second lawyer looks at the first and says "What's the ****ing point, then?" and they walk away.
The next day, while they're at work, a homeless guy rubs the lamp, and after the genie flows out magnificently, he is offered the same deal. The homeless guy wishes that the genie would give him his house back. The genie warns him that there is a cost to every wish, but the homeless man persists. He says he hasn't been happy since his home was taken from him and demolished to build an office high rise.
The genie grants his wish, tearing down the building where the two lawyers were currently obsessing over the weather and soda-pop, killing them immediately. He then erects the homeless man's old house exactly as it had been before. The homeless man lived happily ever after.
Don't **** with me, MacFarlane.
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