Wired also has a nice
article about the remaster.
And yes, the title of that article is "I Love You, Grim Fandango, Even Though You’re Broken". It apparently has some glitches and crashes.
Anyway, it's now on GoG and Steam. Runs on all three major platforms that have 4G Ram and a graphics chip from the last 4 years.
I haven't played it myself. However, I've lately found myself strangely drawn to `90s LEC adventure games. I find the title music from "The Secret of Monkey Island" to be mesmerizing, especially when played by a
nice soundcard. Recently, I watched somebody play through a chunk of Grim Fandango on youtube, and was impressed.
That said, the game is said to be a bit dated in fundamental ways. Partially, because one has to think laterally to solve a puzzle, which is too much to ask today. That actually appeals to me. However, I'm told that there are also many obnoxiously obscure puzzles hiding within these old point-and-click games. Between this dilemma and the spectre of random crashes and the need to manually save, I don't know if I'll be able to commit to it.