Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Interstellar 10 / 10
I forgot to address this initially.
I wouldn't go as far as to say Interstellar is worthy of a 10/10, but I will opine that it is by far the most underrated major release of last year.
This is a goddamn good movie, and the only reason people hate it is because of their absurdly unreachable (and deeply misguided) expectations of Nolan's movies.
He does not make some sort of deeply psychological absurdly cerebral films. He makes very mainstream movies that are slightly more self-serious and intelligent than the average.
Stop treating Memento like the rule. It's the exception.
If you accept that Christopher Nolan is not Darren Aronofsky, you might find that you're more capable of actually enjoying his movies.
Stop treating him like some kind of hyper-intellectual filmmaker, and accept that he's closer to James Cameron than he is to Paul Thomas Anderson.
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