I've been wanting to delve into this topic for a while now, and with the leak five days ago I thought I'd post this thread as I descend into what we know so far.
The 25/3 leak was about investment; here's the full text: https://wikileaks.org/tpp-investment/WikiLeaks-TPP-Investment-Chapter.pdf
At a glance, the strictures involved: Parties may not accord to it's own investors no more favorable than of other parties with respect to investments, covering intellectual property (lol) to finance to localized permits. It also prevents nationalization of investments without adequate compensation.
Are corporations are further transcending national borders and desire to turn the world into neoliberal, corporatist purgatory? Or does a world of no tariffs and no government sound good?
The 25/3 leak was about investment; here's the full text: https://wikileaks.org/tpp-investment/WikiLeaks-TPP-Investment-Chapter.pdf
At a glance, the strictures involved: Parties may not accord to it's own investors no more favorable than of other parties with respect to investments, covering intellectual property (lol) to finance to localized permits. It also prevents nationalization of investments without adequate compensation.
Are corporations are further transcending national borders and desire to turn the world into neoliberal, corporatist purgatory? Or does a world of no tariffs and no government sound good?