Programming is the dumbest, most finicky final step in the authorship of software. It's the base transcription of ideas using practices so terrible that entire industries exist around writing programs that scan code for common mistakes (so much for creativity).
Alan Kay has spent his entire career trying to reinvent or even abolish computer programming, because right now programming as a 'discipline' frankly isn't one.
Hand wringing about writing the best code or the prettiest code is the literal opposite of what Hardy was talking about. This is in fact the sort of useless navel gazing that he despaired being condemned to. Do you really think the guy who some day proves P=?NP is undecidable will really care that his paper is a thousand page blob of sixteen different branches of mathematics instead of God's one page proof? Dry his tears on his fields medal, I bet.
Alan Kay has spent his entire career trying to reinvent or even abolish computer programming, because right now programming as a 'discipline' frankly isn't one.
Hand wringing about writing the best code or the prettiest code is the literal opposite of what Hardy was talking about. This is in fact the sort of useless navel gazing that he despaired being condemned to. Do you really think the guy who some day proves P=?NP is undecidable will really care that his paper is a thousand page blob of sixteen different branches of mathematics instead of God's one page proof? Dry his tears on his fields medal, I bet.