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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Refugee Crisis
Refugee Crisis
2015-09-07, 10:38 AM #1
I live in Finland. Finland is in Europe. Currently there is a huge influx of refugees to Europe (and other places) from war-torn Syria and other Middle Eastern countries and from Africa. It's all a big mess right now.

Some of the larger countries like Italy and France have called for Europe to share equal responsibility for these people. On a typical year, some 4000 people apply for asylum in Finland. This year that figure is expected to jump to around 40 000. Germany expects to spend about 10 billion euros on dealing with asylum seekers coming to their country. This is a large financial burden and a source of political disturbance in a Europe where anti-immigration sentiment is very popular. Meanwhile, wealthy Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia are refusing to share the burden.

Legal entry is heavily controlled, so most of these people are coming by illegal means, mainly boats operated by smugglers. Often these boats are less than seaworthy, so people have had to have been rescued, and many have drowned. It's a dangerous and costly trip that of course doesn't even guarantee permanent stay in Europe. It's mostly young men making that trip. It's a highly lucrative business for the smugglers.

The situation is dire for all involved (except the smugglers), but I know that things aren't as bad as they seem. For where there is chaos, there is the potential for stability. Where there is despair, there is the looming comfort of solace. Where there is the dark of night, there is hope for the break of dawn. Where there are problems to solve, there is Massassi.

Let's do this.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2015-09-07, 10:44 AM #2
Originally posted by Krokodile:
Let's do this.

Ok. Let's put them all on a boat for Finland. They'll freeze to death inside of a week.

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2015-09-07, 1:20 PM #3
Excise tax on Saudi oil imports.
2015-09-07, 1:25 PM #4
No joke though, Saudi reticence to help Arab refugees is not a new situation. Saudi Arabia might be the largest country but they do not consider other Arabs and Muslims dying a problem. A major contributor to the Palestinian genocide is the fact that neighboring Arab states will not accept Palestinian refugees. (Someone familiar with history may recognize some parallels here.)

You'd be better off demanding reparations from the United States, since George W. Bush is directly and personally responsible for the rise of ISIS and much of the suffering there today.
2015-09-07, 1:27 PM #5
I just realized "the comfort of solace" is kind of like saying "the joy of mirth". That's just dumb. Anyway, I'm waking up in 6 hours so here's hoping I can actually get some sleep.

I'm liking the ideas so far. Well, except gbk's.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2015-09-07, 1:29 PM #6
Originally posted by Jon`C:
No joke though, Saudi reticence to help Arab refugees is not a new situation. You'd be better off demanding reparations from the United States, since George W. Bush is directly and personally responsible for the rise of ISIS.

That's my impression that in retrospect, 2003 was a pretty bad idea.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2015-09-07, 3:26 PM #7
Apparently Glenn Beck has raised millions to help relocate people. Perhaps CM could promise special titles or avatars for those that choose to contribute.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2015-09-07, 4:27 PM #8
Well, since he made such a big deal about admitting that Republicans were dead wrong to support the Iraq war, it's the least he can do to dampen its effects.
2015-09-07, 5:19 PM #9
Originally posted by Krokodile:
That's my impression that in retrospect, 2003 was a pretty bad idea.

The administration employed a battery of lies and general deception in order to push it through, for nefarious, selfish, and plain idiotic reasons.
2015-09-07, 6:59 PM #10
I'm not saying that Bush deliberately transformed a marginal Arab religious dissident movement into an organized regional power, I'm just saying it has been super good for Raytheon.
2015-09-07, 7:14 PM #11
You have to go deep and esoteric into history to find a national leader worse than George W. Bush. We're talking Byzantine child kings, here.

Edit: Soviet-style spending, Great Depression job growth, feudal economic policies, military intervention that made America's enemies stronger, foreign policy that made them more popular. I can't even
2015-09-07, 7:38 PM #12
How do you feel about Jeb
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2015-09-07, 8:25 PM #13
Hi Kroko. Jeb's political platform is essentially George But More Seriouser. You can't take a career politician at their word here for what they will do, but you can use it to predict who their friends are, and anybody who misses those days is a surefire Bad Guy. it scares me a lot that openly pandering to evil will take you to 5% of the popular vote.
2015-09-08, 12:08 AM #14
The situation made the Neo Nazis in Germany protest more. They even set fire to some asylum homes, though as far as I know nobody was hurt yet. Fortunately the counter movement is bigger. The 25 years old anti Nazi song "Schrei nach Liebe" (Cry for Love) is even back on place 1 in the charts, finally bringing the word Arschloch back on the radio.

Excuse my sloppy English, I'm ill and can't think properly.
Sorry for the lousy German
2015-09-08, 7:12 AM #15

TL;DR Trump resonates with the a Republican base because of progressive economics, racism
2015-09-09, 12:41 AM #16
It's interesting that the Trump supporters that I know are willing to overlook so much of what he says, so long as he continues to project authenticity.

You must be conflicted about Trumps stance on taxing the wealthy more. --me
Not going to agree on a few things but I trust him. --Trumper [/COLOR][/quote]
...& other humorous conversations with a Trumper. [/COLOR]
I can't see any of the GOP being very popular. I saw Jeb on one of those nightly shows the other day & was slightly impressed--he was able to speak English fluently, unlike his brother. I don't care for Clinton, but she'd likely beat any of the current GOP lineup handily. Who are you rooting for anyhow? You strike me as a Rand Paul sort of guy. Rubio doesn't strike me as being a complete idiot, though really just the status quo in Cuban clothing. I'm rooting for Sanders, like I have for several years now, but I'm not naive about his chances against the Clinton machine. --me
[/COLOR] Dream on. We need a real man in wh. --Trumper [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] For example? --me [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] Trump. --Trumper [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] Like, to be ironic, or what? --me [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] Trump is a great guy could make USA rich. Scott is also cool. --Trumper [/COLOR][/quote]
Trump the billionaire and Carson black neurosurgeon? --Trumper
[/COLOR] I'm no psychic but I have an admittedly potential naïveté when it comes to the American people, so I don't take Trump too seriously. --me [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] Mistake, ie actor Ronald Reagan. --Trumper [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] I don't mean because he's a reality star or anything of that nature. I'm referring to his ideas, his manner, etc. However, we had a black president a bit earlier than I would've anticipated, a self-described "socialist" doing relatively well, etc., so it wouldn't be the first time I've been surprised. --me [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] That's his strength cut the bull****ting we love it. Anti politically correct. --Trumper [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] Yeah, I get the attraction with him seemingly not being afraid to say precisely what's on his mind, no matter how silly it is. However, I don't see much substance in his ideas. I think that most Americans would agree, but I may be naive. --me [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] No we need this guy. He's not in it for the money. Or the fame. We need a doer a builder. --Trumper [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] That's true of a lot of politicians. Most of these people, due to the revolving door, could simply go work on Wall Street or Big Pharm, if all they cared about was money. He's just unique in that he can fund his entire campaign without the Koch Brothers. --me [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] He will win the koch Bros. --Trumper [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] ...which is an odd position, since Republicans up until he spoke up, were hesitant to agree that money buys political favor. If he has done anything right, it's to turn those failed ideas on their head. --me [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] Money is free speech protected by the Constitution --Trumper [/COLOR]
[/COLOR] For now. --me [/COLOR][/quote]
? :)
2015-09-10, 1:54 PM #17
So, how do you guys think the right wing in America will be reacting to the news that the government plans to provide refuge to 10,000 Syrians over the next year?
2015-09-10, 1:58 PM #18
From what I'm reading here, many experts say this number isn't nearly enough.
2015-09-11, 8:05 PM #19
Moving to America because everything sucks in your country is not the American way.
>>untie shoes
2015-09-11, 8:23 PM #20

I don't even want to hazard a guess as to how likely conservatives would be to miss the irony there.

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