Harp playing also didn't work at all, especially the pub minigame. You can tell they wanted to do something much bigger but their hardware/intern wasn't up to doing it. It was way too easy to swing your sword in the wrong direction, or just have it go unresponsive. This is a problem in a game that is built around enemies that absolutely require you to attack them quickly and precisely. Horrible controls aside, the whole game was extremely light on content with major areas repeated several times each, at least twice with some minor gameplay changes, and then 1-2 more times while searching for a pile of widgets. The story was terrible too, prominently featuring time travel for no gameplay reason. Definitely also the dumbest Historia entry so far, because they pulled the trigger on turning their beloved inoffensive high fantasy into boring also-ran post-technological post-apocalypse where it turns out that Ganon is Literal Satan who emerged from a mineshaft that was dug too greedily and too deep. Also Nintendo seems set on gradually explaining all of this in reverse, like tedious anime Memento only I don't think anybody is going to give this one an academy award for editing.
But yeah, other than the hardware, controllers, gameplay, design, story, and scenario, it was a pretty good game.