Well I'm half-tempted to see about running the JK level I'm presumably provided a voice for, and if I were so inspired, I'd probably play a MP game with someone(s) I know. Haven't really done so since I was back using Windows XP, so there's that.
As for games I've played lately:
Super Mario Maker (Wii U)
I love the heck out of this, and I actually considered making a thread to see who else has the game for swapping levels. If anyone wants to check out my levels, I'm particularly proud of my SMB3 set of 4 levels (the titles start with Ocean Side, Big Island, The Sky, and Iced Land)
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)
If you liked the DKC games of the SNES era, you'll like this. I find it better than DKC Returns for the Wii, in large part because it has Pro controller support.
The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes (3DS)
A sequel to the Four Swords games past, I didn't care much for this game. The Link Between Worlds engine hinders parts of the game that require you to have a good understanding of what height you're standing at, and some fights were more annoying than fun. I felt Four Swords Adventures for the Gamecube did the Four Swords series the best, and this seemed a step backwards.
Undertale (Steam)
If you enjoy games like Earthbound and games where you can play as a pacifist, I'd recommend this game. I'm not one of those people who say BEST GAEM EVAR and I do say it's an entertaining one. The beginning (what I consider the tutorial part of the game) is slow but it picks up by the first boss fight.
Guild of Dungeoneering (Steam)
A bit of a rogue-like where you are in charge of a guild, and you recruit/send out adventurers to get money to expand your guild. It's an interesting premise in that they have 'cards' to explore dungeons and use attacks, but I found it got rather repetitive fairly quickly.
Tembo The Badass Elephant (Steam)
A solid platformer. You play as Tembo, who uses his weight and trunk to plow through bad guys and douse fires in the way. Silly, fun, straightforward.
It seemed that non-video games weren't your interest, and if they are, let me know and I'll include some of those as well.
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