Those wacky rascals say a lot of things, yes.
<USA> Hey Pakistan, what's with terrorists suddenly having confidential strategic information that was forwarded from us to the Pakistani governmental authorities only?
<Pakistan> No. BTW, I think we're gonna need some more money.
<USA> Man, if it weren't for your strategical importance, we'd do something about this. Oh well, at least our drones seemed to bother you a bit.
<Pakistan> Yeah. How about that...
<USA> Man, Saudi Arabia, your country really sucks. I mean, we hate women too, but not this much. What do you have to say for yourself?
<SaudiArabia> You want this oil or not?
<USA> Of course, geez, sorry! We always prefer you to Venezuela anyway. We're gonna pretend that we don't like your human rights situation, though - make some ruckus about it, okie-dokie?
<SaudiArabia> Yeah, okay. By the way, we really like how as long as you give us money, we're able to keep this system up and running.
<USA> :<
<USA> You know, Turkey, I think we have to reconsider our relations since you're clearly not the same country you were back in the Cold War. Also, we're not particularly keen on ISIS getting our money through you.
<Turkey> You know, patching things up with the Russians sounds like a great idea right now.
<USA> Fine! We need the Incirllik Air Force base anyway!
<Turkey> This shouldn't be this easy, you know.
<USA> Yeah. At least we're not sucking your dick like the EU is.