So to me it has been clear for some time (I hate and love that term "some time". It's seriously like the most ambiguous term that's used all the time.) that while Reverend Jones is certainly the most prolific poster we have now I think it's unquestionable who is the A Number One Champ when it comes to inspiring responses and discussion.
You know it's true. IT'S DAMN TRUE. [/yousuckchant]
Oh for Christ's sake. Ya mean the one I saw last night but was so boring I didn't feel compelled to reply? This one?
Okay, son, first off, you don't have to worry about my feelings or giving me space. This is the big leagues, I've been around for awhile. I'll be alright. But, seriously, good on you for actually wanting discussion and reply. You're still weird but that's admirable.
To specifically address your question: What the **** are you even talking about? I mean, seriously, give me an example if you want. I don't really give a crap about Ryan or Trump but neither one of them define the party in my view. The party's going to change with the people I suppose. So I guess you could say I liked Ryan as opposed to Biden but he's been a huge disappointment much of the time. Except when he was dissing Trump.
So these posts seemed to flow together for me. As far as defining the word, I may by the end of this post.
Having seen your post earlier today and being inflamed by it I was happy to have time to think about it before responding. And now that I've actually read it more fully after thinking about it and knowing you from your posts over the years I'm really glad it worked out this way.
I've actually found conservatives to be the logical ones and the liberals to be the emotional ones but other than your statement, "Asking a conservative to take responsibility for their choices is like asking a toddler to," I already completely understood your point of view before now when I am spending time revisiting these posts for discussion. I find it highly intriguing that we have the same views applied in opposite directions. Seriously, a get together is in order some day.
So, for a conservative (in my view), the destination is a return to a proper understanding of our founding principles. Now, the obvious problem with this is there isn't a set time we can say everything was fine because all of this has always been debated but generally speaking this is an originalist view of the founding.
Now, you rightly point out the "'small government' thing". I noticed this problem some time ago. If I can be optimistic enough to believe that most that say they're conservative think like me (probably too optimistic) that means government limited to its (I always find it strange that 'its' and 'it's' are written that way. Contracting for 'is' versus possession. Very interesting.) the "'small government' thing" refers to limiting government to its proper scope. The Constitution and Bill of Rights really does a good job of defining these things and so the destination includes restoring this idea.
I think it's important to state that I think a conservative doesn't have to hold "conservative" values or ideas on every topic. I do, however, think they must respect the sanctity of life. Just kidding. I think they must respect or understand what level of government, if any, can act on what issue. It's very complex and I admit that another word might better describe this philosophy but it's basically where I am.
OMG, JC son. Since it appears you have lots of time on your hands just go back to '05, or as far as the forum will let you, and see if you think I need all of these concessions. I'll go toe to toe with anyone here. Well, except for the guy that owns the site. He's a maniac.
Hmm, really?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16