Although this exchange was funny:
[quote=KP Freds]
phd_student_doom, I honestly can't tell if your post is satire or not.
Assuming it's not, go hang up your keyboard and stick to the amateur leagues. In the same way that an amateur woodworker should not be building houses, an amateur programmer should not be writing software.
Poul Henning-Kamp doesn't address this, but a side-effect of the IT boom -- including the current VC bubble -- was that anyone that could remotely do the job was hired. This lead to inexperienced engineers having a voice and role grossly disproportionate to their abilities, and ultimately, lead to 15+ years of wheel re-invention and history repetition amongst junior engineers who lacked any adult supervision.
In fact, companies such as ycombinator are fueled by and intentionally encourage youthful naivety, as they require a steady stream of heady grist for the VC mill. All it takes for them to turn tremendous profits is one successful exit out of a hundred failures.
Your distasteful lack of respect for expertise and experience is the result of this lack of adult supervision.