I believe
this is what you're referring to. So I'm going to speak to their comments.
For one, I don't know if the conclusions they draw are entirely valid. I think something they're missing here - and something they didn't test for - is player expectation. FPS is one of the most mature game genres. And in most FPS games, the AI is largely the same, and is largely very stupid. A big factor contributing to those player's frustrations is probably just that: they expect the AI to act differently because that's how FPS games have always been. I'd be curious to see players engage their "more intelligent" AI knowing beforehand the AI was clever, and seeing how they deal with it. It also helps to consider that the player would probably be equally as frustrated against 3 human opponents, I mean, 3v1 is bs and unfun no matter who you are.
But the problem with AI is deeper than that, IMO. I mean, take any FPS game where you can sneak up on guards. The code is basically: for some cone, probably about 90 degrees, in front of the enemy, they can see the player, and from that they have a maximum range of vision. If you're in that cone, you're spotted, else, you aren't. Games like MGS3 make that more complicated by adding camo, which basically just scales how far guards can see based on what camo the player is wearing and where they're standing. Rarely in games is it ever more complicated than this. The game simply calculates the distance from the player to the AI, and if it's close enough and a few if statements are checked, the AI goes into "aggressive" mode. Maybe advanced games will throw in some Markov chains that change between states. Or the AI will run when it's health is below 20%. Nothing really unpredictable though.
However, a human has to visually scan the 3D environment, locate and identify shapes as meaningful and act. I mean - live visual processing is in its infancy, and hardly works to keep cars from crashing with hardware beyond your average consumer, so, to expect AI will ever be at this level is silly, but, I mean, maybe there's something we can do that's slightly more advanced?
I mean, AI isn't supposed to be actually "intelligent", it's supposed to be a simulacrum of human behaviors. I would just expect that maybe someone would try to train bots with neural nets, fed input from players in a live PVP game, or something, anything that's more than this really rudimentary stuff we have. I mean, the AI in most games is basically the same as what Reverend Jones quoted. Maybe with some more if statements and a few more behaviors, but nothing revolutionary.