I didn't mean to offend.
I like shooting guns as much as the next guy, and if they were legal in my country, would probably own a few.
I just really feel like we're coming to a time where faking ignorance is no longer an option.
The world is much more civilized / peaceful than 200 years ago, minus a few nutjobs and collapsed states, states ruled by Sharia law, or states without proper cultural or technological development (much of Africa, Pakistan, etc.)
It appears obvious to me that the current world order is not sustainable in the long run.
Perhaps I am worried for nothing, and somehow it will all come together, but it appears to me that now that we have the internet, now that we are no longer disconnected by language, or distance, we ought to take that gift and do something with it other than posting pictures of cats or of our Earthly leaders, negotiating which country gets the next trillion dollars and which one doesn't.
I don't have the time to read through the thread currently but I'm happy it changed direction a little bit.
Have a nice day today.