Well, judging by his public posts, it seems to me that he is only ever talking to himself anyway.
I once heard that screenwriters did a lot of marijuana, because it helps you get through repetitive tasks, and it makes you think things that are only mildly amusing to be hilarious or deep. So it makes a lot of sense to combine this kind of low effort writing with a laugh track, and boom! You have The Big Bang Theory, and also a whole lot of money.
But then you normally don't hear about the other possibility, that of the failed writer, self-publishing and self-medicating on cannabis in order to fullfill a similarly repetitive, but ultimately unfulfilled professional life, only for want of an audience. The pot makes him think that what he is saying is anything more than completely insignificant to others, so that he can repeat it every day like a broken record, and the unfulfilled career gives him the anxiety that creates the itch to shove it in our faces.
Look, if you're reading this, Koobie, I don't mean to be too harsh. I think it's great that you're pursuing your dreams in life and I would be wrong to paint you as some sort of complete failure. I think you should keep at it. I also understand that as a writer, it becomes an impulse to put every idea down to the page. At the end of the day, though, I think your insecurities probably got the better of you.