My ignorant preconceived notion of most 3D Printers was was that they produced brittle weak plastic shapes. However a few weeks ago my wife hosted a Star Wars Reads day at the library where she works and we got people from the 501st, Rebel Legion, and Droid builders. I photographed the event and chatted with a lady who had 3D printed a working BB-8 unit.
I was impressed because the plastic she used, PLA, I think, was more flexible and durable than anything I've seen a 3D printer output before. She said it was relatively affordable which spiked my curiosity a bit more.
I could have sworn some of you have dabbled in 3D printing before and I would really appreciate some direction in how to get into this.
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I was impressed because the plastic she used, PLA, I think, was more flexible and durable than anything I've seen a 3D printer output before. She said it was relatively affordable which spiked my curiosity a bit more.
I could have sworn some of you have dabbled in 3D printing before and I would really appreciate some direction in how to get into this.
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