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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Road Trip of Doom
Road Trip of Doom
2018-08-17, 4:01 PM #1
Three days, thousands of miles, just me and the four-legged dummy in a giant Uhaul with my car towed behind it.

Any ideas on how to not go crazy, what to eat so as not get parasites, how to keep my dog from eating my foot, and how to avoid being killed for being Mexican while in Utah?

Playlists, podcasts, comedians, audio books, or 10 hour youtube video recommendations greatly appreciated. Unlimited data FTW (until I get to Utah and have no reception for 400 miles)
2018-08-17, 4:14 PM #2
Originally posted by Steven:
Any ideas on how to not go crazy, what to eat so as not get parasites, how to keep my dog from eating my foot, and how to avoid being killed for being Mexican while in Utah?
all of these questions have the same answer
2018-08-17, 4:15 PM #3
Sure, download my favorite album and listen to the whole thing straight through.

(It's crunchy experimental avante-garde power pop from the 90's with highly elliptical lyrics with references to obscure things like passages from James Joyce)
2018-08-17, 4:45 PM #4
Yeah...... wtf?
2018-08-17, 4:52 PM #5
I think the first catchy track on there (after all the experimental stuff in the intro) doesn't begin until two and a half minutes in, where he's singing about Martin Luther King
2018-08-17, 5:09 PM #6
What part of Utah?

Listen to Welcome to Nightvale if you haven't yet, it's perfect for this area. If the first few episodes arent your game, push through a bit more, thats where it gets lots of people hooked.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2018-08-17, 5:26 PM #7
Actually, I'm hoping I won't have to go through Utah... It depends on which way the wildfires are burning. If interstate 5 is closed I'll have to take 15. The fires are all over and the condition changes daily. Taking I-15 only adds an hour to my trip, but I really don't want to go through the desert. And I already made hotel reservations along I-5.
2018-08-17, 6:30 PM #8
Originally posted by Steven:
Unlimited data FTW

In that case, just livestream the whole thing. Your suffering will be our entertainment, which should bring you some comfort.
My blawgh.
2018-08-18, 6:25 AM #9
I really really dig this comedian/musician, Stephen Lynch:
I know most "musical comedy" is terrible, but just give it a shot. If you don't dig Queer Tatoo here^ then try Craig Christ. If that doesn't do it for you, you have permission to carry on.

My stand up list is terribly cliché, but: Jim Gaffigan, Louie CK, Dave Chappelle, Daniel Cummings, Zack Galifinakis, Doug Benson

Audiobooks: These may seem overly obvious but: Lord of the Rings (series), Dune (series), Dark Tower (series). That should tie you over for about 10 years. If your inclined toward deep literature id recommend Heart of Darkness. Its the book that Apocalypse Now is based off of. BEWARE: The entire first page is describing a sunset.

Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
(It's crunchy experimental avante-garde power pop from the 90's with highly elliptical lyrics with references to obscure things like passages from James Joyce)

1. I though I was the only person left on the world that described music as crunchy.... How much grass do you smoke?
2. Ever read James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"??? **** that book. I usually enjoy a good artsy read, but this book was riddicules. The dude wines the whole book! Also there is a part where he's smelling his own pee, and hes describing the smell of his pee, and it takes up like a whole page or 2 of text.... Yeah **** James Joyce!
3.When you used the word crunchy, you immediately got me interested!
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2018-08-18, 10:12 AM #10
I thought 'crunch' just meant distortion. Maybe I've been reading a few too many pretentious music reviews though.

As for whining, well, you're definitely not going to like Scott Miller's music if you don't like James Joyce for having whined in his fiction, because not only does Scott incorporate his such whiny lines into his lyrics, but in actual fact is whining himself while doing so (no less, he described his own singing voice as a "miserable whine").

As a full disclaimer, I have to admit that I first heard about this musician only because I was browsing my university's wiki. But I'm serious, I actually love it, for real! I'm not brainwashed

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