Three days, thousands of miles, just me and the four-legged dummy in a giant Uhaul with my car towed behind it.
Any ideas on how to not go crazy, what to eat so as not get parasites, how to keep my dog from eating my foot, and how to avoid being killed for being Mexican while in Utah?
Playlists, podcasts, comedians, audio books, or 10 hour youtube video recommendations greatly appreciated. Unlimited data FTW (until I get to Utah and have no reception for 400 miles)
Any ideas on how to not go crazy, what to eat so as not get parasites, how to keep my dog from eating my foot, and how to avoid being killed for being Mexican while in Utah?
Playlists, podcasts, comedians, audio books, or 10 hour youtube video recommendations greatly appreciated. Unlimited data FTW (until I get to Utah and have no reception for 400 miles)