Sometimes, when I get stuck on a certain idea, I look at my potential story from other angles, even if you feel you already know those other angles. Checking those other angles can be helpful with the gaps you're looking to fill.
Some angles to consider:
- Do you have certain themes you're considering?
- Are there particular styles you're aiming for? (narrative, descriptions, etc.)
- What characters are the focus of the story, and what sort of choices are they faced with?
- How does the context shape the story?
- Could there be something that would easily slip into the story that you DON'T want to do?
- Who are you writing for, and what would they want to see?
- Is there anything from your personal experiences you can draw from?
If you're moreso just stuck on ideas, allow yourself to brainstorm for a structured time without shooting anything down. Easier said than done, of course, and if you manage it, you might generate ideas you wouldn't otherwise have considered, or at least get a stronger sense of what you wouldn't want.
To actually answer your question, given the general Star Wars context, I'd think something transportation-related could be pretty interesting, with maybe the black hole forces changes in the hyperdrive lanes). To bounce off some other chatter, maybe the remnants of the Empire/fledgling First Order find a way to tap into Force Mind Control and are threatening the New Republic from within, and the black hole is somehow Force-tied with that. Or maybe the scientist finds out this black hole is more threatening to the galaxy than thought but has difficulty getting the powers that be to take the threat seriously enough -- draw your own climate change parallels here.
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