OK, I can come clean. I've been spending some time on the /sci section of 4chan because I am insanely bored these days, and also because it reminds me of Usenet, with all the kooks that post there to do things like spam their "disproof" of the Riemann Hypothesis over and over.
Around the same time I did a re-watch of Azumanga Daioh, and was poking around an old SA thread that discussed it. I've actually never been registered there, and have never really ever gone there. I had something of a sad realization, though, which is probably not too hard to predict for some folks here: holy **** has internet culture devolved into something lame in the last decade or two.
I mean: in the fifteen minutes of reading an old SA thread about AMV's, I was able to consume more interesting/humorous remixing of anime content than all of 4chan has produced in its entire existence. I mean, I am aware that 4chan started because moot and friends were too annoying to fit into the Azumanga thread on SA, but holy crap I never stopped to think about how LAME and low-effort their output has been, now that I realize it.
I mean, I was an avid AlbinoBlackSheep consumer in the early 2000's, and even their stuff is also way better than the prevailing meme culture. E.g.,