I've been playing the remake, and I actually have found the aesthetic to grow on me to the point where I find it difficult to imagine it (working well) in other styles while staying true to the feel of the original. Some of the music hasn't hit me super strong, and there's some random quirks here and there that ding it for me in a minor way (framerate drops, having to use the control stick instead of the d-pad, my sword swings seeming to hit switches multiple times in a row) but overall, I'm really enjoying it.
Also, I've only dived into the "tutorial" part of the Chamber Dungeons so far (I intend to wait until I've done all the dungeons first before continuing) but, framed as a puzzle game, it seems fun enough. The UI requirement for going in and out between 'arranging' and 'adventuring' is pretty annoying though, and of course, I'm wishing there was an actual Zelda Maker. I'm aware there's stuff like Zelda Classic out that allows such things (just as there were SMW makers before Super Mario Maker) but I appreciate Nintendo's approach that makes things more user friendly.
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