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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Guys
2019-10-23, 6:13 PM #41
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I agree with Bob, Noble Savage 1 is just as good as Taxi Driver.

big oof but there it is isnt it
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-10-23, 8:14 PM #42
Originally posted by Spook:
We should do this but all use voice modulators of some sort

That’s funny but it’s even funnier if you think about what it’d be like to listen to a podcast where everyone spoke with voice modulators
former entrepreneur
2019-10-23, 10:28 PM #43
well how do you think i came up with the idea?
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2019-10-24, 3:29 AM #44
Why are there no ewoks in this ****ing film
2019-10-24, 3:57 AM #45
I thought TLJ was horrible. I know some people like it, though. Mb the Massassian liked it, and he was a great guy. I refer to him in the past tense only because he doesn't come here anymore. I'm sure he's still alive and all that. Did you guys know we have the same birthday? I'm a couple of years older than him, though. Anyway, Star Wars. I skipped the spinoffs that came after TLJ because TLJ killed my interest in them. I still have no interest in seeing either. Rogue One came before TLJ, so I did see that one. I'll probably go see Episode IX in theaters despite TLJ being so bad because I want to see how it turned out. I expect a Disney Star Wars universe brand movie that steers clear of decisions that may be too controversial, and instead goes back to the tried-and-true The Force Awakens method of following the formula of one of the OT movies.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2019-10-24, 10:22 AM #46
So, Ewoks after all.
2019-10-24, 10:40 AM #47
There's gotta be some kinda stuffed animal. There's gotta be 2 minimum, and ideally 3 stuffed animals.
2019-10-29, 5:42 PM #48
Gonna be honest, I'm not feeling too fussed about the new one, but then again I wasn't fussed about TLJ until the day it came out either.

Or maybe I'm just feeling fatigue, who knows?
2019-10-30, 2:46 AM #49
I like the Mandalorian trailer.

Sorry for the lousy German

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