Well... I played this for a couple of hours last night. I'm not really thrilled. The environments are cool, the humor is fine, the characters are neat, but... ugh it's just not that fun. I've been through 3 or 4 distinct environments and there's still only like 3 total enemies, it's so repetitive. It's all melee combat (as I'm sure you can tell from the title) and they give you one "special" move (upper cut) so it's basically just punch punch punch all day long. I died once during some insane wave of enemies where you can only hit half of them (since half of them are in the "shadow" world), but the half that you can't hit can somehow still hit you. Anyway when I died I was done playing so I pressed exit, and it told me I would lose all progress in this level. I'm still not sure what that meant exactly; it seems to have checkpoints everywhere but if a "level" is a distinct environment I probably lost half an hour and a bunch of special items I collected? If I turn it back on and I have to re-collect those I'll probably never play this again.