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This is the static archive of the Massassi Forums. The forums are closed indefinitely. Thanks for all the memories!

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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Has been taken down?
Has been taken down?
2022-02-28, 7:21 PM #41
Yeah, I'd be all for that. I still have a little way to go (though I did get JkGfxMod compatibility sorted out, so that's good). I'll start up my own thread for the topic soon.

For what it's worth, part of what kept me from finishing in 2018 was I wanted to do things as "correctly" as possible, which is to say, don't redistribute modified copyrighted work (i.e. no pre-patched executables), only supply patches and custom files, automate said patching so it's user friendly, etc. And setting all that up was a pain and I ran out of time and interest. It's a bit more involved than just a patched JK executable.
2022-03-04, 6:56 PM #42
Originally posted by Quib Mask:
With still in traction, where would be a hospitable place to upload something Jedi Knight related? I never got around to releasing my JK 2018 project, and got that old JK itch recently, did a little more tinkering, and am hoping to actually get a JK 2022 out the door.

I'm going to have to reverse-engineer quite a bit of what I did to JK's executable in the past to be able to have a full changelog, but stuff I've done this month is:
- fixed a memory leak in Aureal 3D sound code
- made 3D Sound able to be toggled without restart
- fixed a crash in jkSetForceSpeed()
- activated COG extension's hotkey message (if there was ever a public release that did this, I couldn't find it)
- activated COG extension's hotkey filtering for discrete keypresses (but not continuous keypresses)
- added ZeqMacaw's sync thing limit patch
- implemented some OpenJKDF2 QOL_IMPROVEMENTS:
-- better game speed if over 100 fps
-- waggle scaled to framerate
-- smoother singleplayer airborne player physics
-- adjustable internal logic tick rate / frame time (vanilla is ~48 fps)

Mostly have had a good time revisiting my suite of weapon/item/force power COGs.

Unfortunately it's not currently compatible with JkGfxMod due to modern Windows compatibility fixes I did in 2018, at the very least the use of IDirect3DViewport3_Clear2 to fix ZBuffer clearing which JkGfxMod doesn't support. So, obviously I'll want to get something figured out for that.

Thanks for keeping this site up and running.


If you wanted I could set you up with an editor account on, if you know wordpress at all you could make a page up there and upload what ever you want till Brian's editing pages are ready.

Plus I would want your files anyway for the JKArchive that we have as well haha but if you are interested just shoot me a PM and I we can get that started.
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2022-03-08, 12:26 PM #43
I don't currently have an interest in setting up any sort of webpage for the project myself; I'm swamped enough just getting files organized and planning a distribution mechanism (include unmodified redistributable files, extract specific files from redistributable packages then patch and move the files, verify and patch existing files, etc.), and making a changelog (of sorts) so the end user even knows what they're getting.

I've started a thread in the Massassi Editing forum that I intend to get fleshed out. I think the project's now feature complete, so it's just a matter of getting things packaged up for distribution (well, and getting things properly documented).

When I got JkGfxMod compatibility sorted out, I finally tried out JKNUP and (most of) EMJK, and spent more time than I should admit playing just to experience the glowing projectiles and lightsabers. Well, and wishing there was a sane way to automate displacement map creation.

2023-05-31, 4:27 AM #44
Originally posted by Giraffe:
Real Life gets in the way. The server had a lot of configuration that had been applied by hand and was essential for everything to keep running. I'm having to go through and figure out why a lot of things aren't working when deployed to the new server.

The good news is that all the data was recovered and I have now got multiple copies of it, so hopefully it will be back up soon! (I should probably change the placeholder message to reflect this too).

So are there been any updates on this situation?
2023-05-31, 7:00 AM #45
Originally posted by rezer:
Sorry don't really post here. Just every noun and again I skim through old jk related post. If anyone wants jk hub related files I went through all the projects and downloaded all the projects available. A few levels missing in the new jk spreadsheet are after endor, the forbidden path, gunrunners and a few others. Imp depot has a 1.1 version. (Taken from an old website)

MOTS imperial outpost has an updated version. Someone wanted haunted house. I have that version I got no idea where from, and a few other files.

I have other tc such as star craft, Indy, ghost busters l, aliens etc if anyone wants these files.

Lastly if you want wip such as pieces, and other maps that were to show progress from the hub. Happy to upload these for anyone to check, compare and hopefully continue to grow the list :-).

Have you uploaded those files? I can find Indy, Ghostbusters, and aliens but not Star Craft. Also do you have any other JKHub content such as JK Pistol, firearms, HLP, Katarn Karts, BSR’s Star Trek Mod, Elmo’s Star Wars, Ruthven's SG1 mod etc.?
2023-06-11, 5:32 PM #46
Hi agent grady,

Sorry for the late reply. The ones I know I have is the star craft mod (it was just a wip mp level released. I have not found any other releases except the one I have), I have the star trek mod. This was a series of wip levels released. It was mesnt to be a sp conversion. Sadly never finished. Elmos star wars i eill check to see if i have. The others i am not sure. I mainly have the sp levels from jkhub. It was around 2016 i believe i clicked on every single project available and dl all the wip.

Let me know what you are looking for. I have passed these onto cougar... but not sure if all have been uploaded. I had many files i gave him that were lost, not backed up etc
2023-10-14, 3:03 PM #47
Okay, by some stroke of luck, does anyone have either "CogExt Dll VC6.rar" or "CogExt Dll VCNet.rar" from here:§ion=downloads

Or even better, Xzero's further modified version?

I don't technically need said source code, but it'd save me a lot of effort on reverse engineering. While I could just patch new COG verbs into the existing newest release (2010?) of the COG extensions / JKUP DLL, I'd rather do it in a more future-friendly way that a theoretical future software archaeologist might appreciate.

2023-10-16, 9:51 AM #48
Originally posted by Quib Mask:
Okay, by some stroke of luck, does anyone have either "CogExt Dll VC6.rar" or "CogExt Dll VCNet.rar" from here:§ion=downloads

Or even better, Xzero's further modified version?

I don't technically need said source code, but it'd save me a lot of effort on reverse engineering. While I could just patch new COG verbs into the existing newest release (2010?) of the COG extensions / JKUP DLL, I'd rather do it in a more future-friendly way that a theoretical future software archaeologist might appreciate.


I might have it, Nick gave me the jkhub backup he made a few years ago and I searched that name and found a few rar files that are similar in name

Can you send me your email or find me on discord so I can send them to you? I am in the massassi discord as JKLE_Cougar
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2023-10-16, 3:28 PM #49
Thank you. They were the files I was expecting. A barebones and ancient version of the COG extension source code, but still useful. I assume Sige's original version.

2023-10-16, 4:06 PM #50
2023-11-18, 12:41 PM #51
Have the jkhub forum contents been made available anywhere? I had some stuff I wrote down in one of my project's forums that I'd love to get ahold of (documentation on modifications I made to the JK executable circa 2018). only has stuff slightly older (and beyond) preserved.

2023-11-18, 11:27 PM #52
I don't think so. There are a couple of people on the Massassi discord that claim to have backups, but some files are missing. I'm not sure if they got the forums :(
2024-01-20, 3:58 PM #53
Originally posted by Quib Mask:
Have the jkhub forum contents been made available anywhere? I had some stuff I wrote down in one of my project's forums that I'd love to get ahold of (documentation on modifications I made to the JK executable circa 2018). only has stuff slightly older (and beyond) preserved.


To date I have not seen or known anyone to have webcrawlled including myself sadly. When jkhub went down was when I started to look into webcrawlling.

I have cougars jkhub backup. It isn't a webcrawl. It is basically like mine a list of files and content unsorted from jkhub. What I am slowly doing is working on what files have been archieved, and what is missing/ lost from the main files/ respurces pages on jkhub. To date I believe majority have been located. Once that is done. I am going to start putting together project names and files that were once on jkhub, but not released.

The sp files I copied those back in like 2018. I went through all old projects and dl. Sadly i did not copy the 3dos, and other related files :-(.

Laslty when I am finished, happy to load a copy somewhere. List what chasing, and hopefully can chase down lost content like cogs, 3dos, files etc. my name on dscord is rezer. So if anyone has any files or content. Please feel free to reach out to me :-).

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