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ForumsDiscussion Forum → JK/MotS help videos
JK/MotS help videos
2021-09-14, 12:16 PM #1
Figured I would share here too since you guys have the stickied help thread with JK issues but I made 2 video tutorials on how to install JK/MotS on a modern PC (using the alt installer/dgvoodoo/and patched exes if you so desire) as well as port forwarding your router so you can play online. These videos have become helpful for the few new people who come to the JK discord every once in a blue moon asking for help. Feel free to use/share. I plan on making a few more JK/MotS videos in the very near future as well.

How to install JK on a modern PC video here:

How to Port Forward JK for online play here:
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2021-09-14, 2:10 PM #2
These are great, thank you!
2021-09-22, 8:32 PM #3
I tried to follow the instructions in this video and I ran into a few problems. First, the archive folder linked in the youtube description doesn't directly have the files you are talking about. For example the ISO names are completely different and the various files are scattered around in a bunch of different folders. It might be worth updating your video description with links to the exact files (since there's no folder on the server that matches the folder you have open in your video).

I'm a little worried because the site is served via http rather than https. (do you need help getting an ssl cert? they're free these days through Let's Encrypt; I may be able to help)

Finally, what is the deal with "JediSetup.exe"? Why use that instead of the normal installer? What is the difference? Does the tool have an info page somewhere where I can read about it?

2021-09-22, 10:12 PM #4
I couldn't get the ISOs to download from :( They just kept failing. I gave up on Windows for now but I didn't have any problems getting it to run on Linux. After digging out my external USB CD drive and JK CDs from two different boxes that I haven't unpacked from our move in January. Urgh.

Anyway, I wrote up an article to post on Massassi but it's using the new format which isn't released yet. So here's a PDF if anybody wants to take a look.
2021-09-22, 10:40 PM #5
IIRC, ISO files don't retain the CD audio
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2021-09-23, 10:47 AM #6
Following my instructions on linux/wine, the single player seems to work flawlessly but I can't get a multiplayer game to start at all. When trying to host a game it asks me to pick a network and all the entries in the network list are filled with gibberish, and it doesn't matter which one I select, it says it's can't connect to the network. I'll try to figure it out later.

In addition, I tried using steam on linux to install JK using "proton" but both the latest stable and the experimental just freeze when launching the game. I'm not sure why, given that it works flawlessly under vanilla wine.
2021-09-23, 11:01 AM #7
To get it working on Steam on Linux you need to right click the game, click Properties, click Compatibility on the left, check the "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" and then select "Proton 5.0-10". When I did that, the single player worked, same as running it under vanilla wine. But the multiplayer is broken in the exact same way. *shrug*
2021-09-23, 11:46 AM #8
I was able to get my vanilla wine version working in multplayer (at least to host a game and walk around MP levels by myself -- I don't know if it actually works). I'll wipe everything and fix up the instructions later, but the short version:

First, go back and start with wine32 rather than wine64. That makes everything easier.

Install `winetricks`, but don't use the ubuntu-packaged version, it's way out of date. You have to install the latest version from github. Once you have that, launch it and choose the option to install windows features. Scroll down and find "directplay" and install it. Upon successful completion, launch the game again and the network list in multiplayer options looks normal and it lets me launch an MP game.
2021-09-29, 7:44 PM #9
Originally posted by Brian:
I tried to follow the instructions in this video and I ran into a few problems. First, the archive folder linked in the youtube description doesn't directly have the files you are talking about. For example the ISO names are completely different and the various files are scattered around in a bunch of different folders. It might be worth updating your video description with links to the exact files (since there's no folder on the server that matches the folder you have open in your video).

I'm a little worried because the site is served via http rather than https. (do you need help getting an ssl cert? they're free these days through Let's Encrypt; I may be able to help)

Finally, what is the deal with "JediSetup.exe"? Why use that instead of the normal installer? What is the difference? Does the tool have an info page somewhere where I can read about it?


Sorry just saw this.

the site will be https soon we are still fixing a few things up with it and will be flipped over to instead of

the jedisetup.exe is an alt installer for 64 bit installers the default installer on the CD doesn't work on 64 bit operating systems.

As for the ISOs not downloading were you getting an error? That's the first I have heard of the ISOs not downloading from the site. Want to make sure it's working 100%
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2021-09-30, 9:09 AM #10
They would start downloading at about 1.2mbps but after the first ~10-20 megs it would fall off to like 1k/s, and eventually firefox would just report "failed". I ended up digging up my external cd drive and just ripping the isos myself. I wasn't successful getting it to run under windows, just went with linux instead.

Who made JediSetup.exe? Where did it come from?
2021-09-30, 4:25 PM #11
Originally posted by Brian:
They would start downloading at about 1.2mbps but after the first ~10-20 megs it would fall off to like 1k/s, and eventually firefox would just report "failed". I ended up digging up my external cd drive and just ripping the isos myself. I wasn't successful getting it to run under windows, just went with linux instead.

Who made JediSetup.exe? Where did it come from?

I just tried it on my end all 3 downloaded fine and I am on the latest FF as well could it have been AV blocking it for some reason? I haven't had anyone report the ISOs downloading fail.


JediSetup.exe and SithSetup.exe were on jkhub before it went down I have to dig up to see who made them. They were under the project name Alternate Installer.

If you want to schedule a time you are free maybe we could do a screen share so I could see what's going on I want to make sure no one else runs into this.

EDIT: according to the jkhub backup we have the author was Troy Huch [/COLOR]
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2021-09-30, 4:27 PM #12
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
IIRC, ISO files don't retain the CD audio

There is a music patch that someone made that has the tracks as ogg files there's a readme in the zip but doesn't say who made it I think this was also on jkhub before it went down as well. I try to steer people into the ISO install in the MP community because we have seen issues with the steam version mostly with mods and such. Typically SM Sith Lord jumps in and tries to help Steam users but it involves renaming exes and hunting down the install path and such.
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2021-10-01, 11:29 AM #13
Could have just been my connection at the time. It's comcast/xfinity and they suck so bad. I hope google bot picks this up: Comcast sucks. Xfinity sucks.

I am happy enough on linux now but I will try to get it going again on windows at some point. Thanks!

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