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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Worst Massassi mistake?
Worst Massassi mistake?
2023-07-11, 9:07 PM #1
(And no, "hurr durr :downs: joining the place" doesn't count)

In hindsight, what is the worst mistake you've made on these forums (or IRC/Discord etc.)? Regret is optional.

For my part, giving Jon`C the spark for JkGfxMod by telling him how bad the pre-JkGfxMod method of enabling textures larger than 256x256 was.

Could have saved a whooooooooole lot of Effort® and s*** that way.

In general:

Originally posted by Lindsay Ellis:
I regret every time I’ve ever stood up for anyone - it always backfires. I regret every time I pushed back against something unjust - it was always just used to hurt me. I regret every time I ever stood up for myself - I never did it 'correctly’. I regret every time I showed any vulnerability - just more ammunition to be used against me later. I regret every time I ever tried to play the game with peers and colleagues - they will drop you the second you aren't popular on Twitter anymore

(Mostly applicable, except for the "popular on Twitter" detail)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-12, 12:02 PM #2
Probably my biggest mistake was not getting into JK editing when I was younger and had way more disposable time. I think it would have gotten me into 3D software sooner and might have even led to programing. Participating in some mod and level dev would have been really fun too, but I think that ship has sailed.

As for my interactions with the community I regret the many times I didn't stick up for people who were being belittled or harassed. I don't know if it would have helped anything, but I wouldn't feel like such a hypocrite when I say I follow the golden rule.
My blawgh.
2023-07-12, 7:20 PM #3
Killing the Spooky Taco thread. :(
2023-07-12, 7:49 PM #4
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
As for my interactions with the community I regret the many times I didn't stick up for people who were being belittled or harassed. I don't know if it would have helped anything, but I wouldn't feel like such a hypocrite when I say I follow the golden rule.

Yeah, I know the feeling
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-12, 9:45 PM #5
I have two, but I'll only post one for now. I regret every negative thing I said/posted about people's levels/mods. I should have just kept my mouth(keyboard) shut if I didn't have something nice to say. Better yet, I should have found something nice to say and then also encouraged them to make another level.
2023-07-12, 10:11 PM #6
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Yeah, I know the feeling

Nikumubeki, for the last time, I took Discord mod away from you because you were abusing it to bully and harass Kroko. I refused to reinstate you in our ModDB projects because when you get upset you delete/trash stuff, like when you deleted the entire TACC discord server because you thought people were being mean to you.

I'm glad you've made me your target, because I can take it. But it would be nice if you would stop trying to harass mb and cm or stir up old disagreements I've had with them for "siding against you" or whatever. It wasn't their decision to de-mod you.

Nobody else cares, has a reason to care, should believe you're a champion of the belittled underdog etc.

In spirit of thread: Biggest recent mistake was trusting that Nikumubeki could be responsible. Biggest classic mistake was being mean to people who didn't deserve it.
2023-07-12, 10:59 PM #7
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I took Discord mod away from you

... not what this is about.* BUT I did like the time when I clarified that I wouldn't remove any ModDB files (aside from outdated versions) - after all they were made for (and mostly by) other people and they have active use - I was told to leave the server (sure, I know that me clarifying something or disagreeing with a claim is against the rules and automatically inadmissible because a past precedent in a similar or different situation proves my guilt in the rest).

Not to mention March 2020 when I first joined - the moment I closed my web browser where I had Discord open (only installed the app afterwards) and continued working on EMJK, you along with the Pretentious Patrol et al immediately got angry at me. So the resentment against me predates the 2020-2021 Krokomubeki Anomaly.

And not only with him as a long-time ally, DXN collaborator and as the only person to reach out to me during the Anomaly, I don't and can't have anything against CM.

* = Granted that the only abusive thing I did as an admin was changing Kroko's nick to Korko, which indeed was a s***ty thing to do
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-13, 12:05 AM #8
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
... not what this is about.*
Well, even right here you're still accusing me of taking Kroko's side, when all I was actually doing was answering complaints about you abusing your admin powers. And when I tried talking to you about this stuff, you recognized that you were abusing your powers, but actually tried to blame kroko for somehow 'making you' behave that way. ("BUT it was also something that, for better of worse, just had to take place at that time").

I wasn't picking a side in your fight. I'm still not. I don't know OR CARE what you two were fighting about in that other discord. You're adults. You're responsible for your own relationships. More importantly, you're supposed to be responsible for your own behavior. The fact that you clearly felt like you were entitled to act up this way means *I* became responsible for your behavior. That, I'll do. Responsible for your relationships? No thanks.

BUT I did like the time when I clarified that I wouldn't remove any ModDB files (aside from outdated versions) - after all they were made for (and mostly by) other people and they have active use
I'm sure you believe what you're saying, but I can't trust you when you say this and I've run out of ways to explain why.

Not to mention March 2020 when I first joined - the moment I closed my web browser where I had Discord open (only installed the app afterwards) and continued working on EMJK, you along with the Pretentious Patrol et al immediately got angry at me. So the resentment against me predates the 2020-2021 Krokomubeki Anomaly.
I sincerely regret the misunderstanding. We were joking. We spent months trying to reach out to you and get you involved again. Ultimately what worked was when I bribed you with a 3d model, and as soon as you downloaded it you logged off. We were joking about you taking the model and running.
2023-07-13, 12:45 AM #9
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Well, even right here you're still accusing me of taking Kroko's side

... considering how Kroko and I apologized to and came to terms with each other already back in August 2021 (thus marking my anger and stupid behavior at him before that as The Anomaly - yet indeed something that had to happen, as unpleasant as it was), that doesn't seem likely. If anything, I brought it up again last year to highlight being mistreated afterwards. Luckily Kroko got my back and has already provided several unbiased recollections and explanations for the events quite a few times - no matter how many times they've been ignored.

Not to mention how you always seem to think that my brief kerfuffle with Kroko is somehow the crux of all this, ultimately it only provided you with an excuse and a springboard for all the nonsense related to the establishment of the Official Massassi Discord and all claims about FGR after that (what I refer to as getting Zoe Quinn'd or whatever). Luckily it still had a silver lining, as it entrenched my friendship with Kroko and confirmed CM's status as the only other one on Massassi who could approach that status.

(Funny how it's always "we were/are joking when [x] happened/happens, but you're always acting out of malice (Hanlon's Razor be damned!)" too)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-13, 1:34 AM #10
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:

You've been calling him "pretentious" to his face for about the past 6 years.
2023-07-13, 1:37 AM #11

And if Eversor was just "prankin' me, bro", I'm sure that covers all the other comments I got on those days as well. After all, they didn't use racist terminology so that differentiates them from Spook's excuse.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-13, 1:43 AM #12
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:

Oh good, I'm glad you brought that up too. Because aside from the fact that you've been mocking and belittling people for talking about stuff you don't like for years ("pretentious patrol" - which I've generally chosen to let slide because the people you've been calling pretentious don't seem to be bothered), I've always been deeply uncomfortable with how you compare every negative social interaction you have to the plight of some actual victim.

Like Zoe Quinn, who got bombarded with actual violent threats. Who got swatted.

Or holocaust victims.

It's crass.
2023-07-13, 1:50 AM #13
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
And if Eversor was just "prankin' me, bro", I'm sure that covers all the other comments I got on those days as well. After all, they didn't use racist terminology so that differentiates them from Spook's excuse.

No, I'm pretty sure Eversor wasn't "pranking you". For some reason he might be under the impression that you think he's pretentious and want to discourage him from talking about the stuff that interests him. Hmmm.
2023-07-13, 2:04 AM #14
Originally posted by Jon`C:
For some reason he might be under the impression that you think he's pretentious and want to discourage him from talking about the stuff that interests him. Hmmm.

As everyone remembers from him and the others getting banned every single day when I was a Discord admin, sure.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-13, 2:11 AM #15
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
As everyone remembers from him and the others getting banned every single day when I was a Discord admin, sure.

Choosing to exercise restraint does not mean you are entitled to call someone "pretentious" for 6 years and still have them like you.
2023-07-13, 2:26 AM #16
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Choosing to exercise restraint

Oh, right, that was the reason :rolleyes:
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-13, 2:38 AM #17
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Oh, right, that was the reason :rolleyes:

Yeah. So, just to make it clear, you don't get credit for not abusing special privileges. Just like you don't get credit for not punching someone. These are norms and it's the minimum that's expected of you.

You don't get to insult someone to their face and then say "wow I can't believe this jerk hates me, I didn't even punch him".

You're even talking about this like you were actually entitled to ban people for talking about this stuff, but didn't do it because you're a nice guy. I guess kroko just made you more angry that day than we do talking about financial law.
2023-07-13, 2:45 AM #18
Originally posted by Jon`C:
You're even talking about this like you were actually entitled to ban people for talking about this stuff

Newest chapter for Protocols, I see

"GRR, evil Eurosocialist FGR wants to end the freedom of speech!"
"No, I don't - and if I did, why didn't I do it when I could have done that?"
"So you admit it!"

You're even talking about this like you were actually entitled to ban people for talking about this stuff

... No, I took the outright false claim of "FGR wants to force people to not talk about topics he doesn't engage in" and to further mock the stupid claim, noted that if I actually wanted to do that (i.e. if the overall claim was actually true instead of moronic bull****), I would have done so the first chance I got. Geez.

I guess kroko just made you more angry that day than we do talking about financial law.

Assuming to be on the same personal level as Kroko is almost endearing.

All in all, Kroko already called out your conduct last December, but I'm still glad to see that the lessons didn't stick.

My points were also vindicated last year when people started ganging up on Kroko, and 'lo and behold there suddenly was admin admonishment and (considering how the events repeated a few months later, probably fake) apologies all around after he briefly stopped using the Discord due to feeling bullied. Conversely, last week I got told to "pls respwn" during a conversation where there was admin presence - no repercussions (possibly another entry in the "we were just joking LOL" category) of course. Huh.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-13, 2:56 AM #19
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Newest chapter for Protocols, I see

"GRR, evil Eurosocialist FGR wants to end the freedom of speech!"
"No, I don't - and if I did, why didn't I do it when I could have done that?"
"So you admit it!"

Alright. Well, I doubt we're gonna make any progress here. I hope this gave you what you've spent the past few months asking for.
2023-07-13, 11:53 AM #20
I like the original spirit of this thread but I don't like what it has become. This isn't the place for hashing out stuff like this, please do it elsewhere.
2023-07-13, 3:23 PM #21
Yeah guys. The point of this thread is to pour one out for the Spooky Taco and also reminisce about shenanigans related to the forum of ******.

rofl, after all these years ******’s forum of ego is still a secret that must be maintained
2023-07-13, 10:06 PM #22
For the record, I'm unbiased but I respect both FGR and Jon`C. Both of you have contributed so much to this community over the years. We are all adults, and I'm not naive enough to think you can put all of this behind yourselves and move on without issue, but I do want to recognize the impact you've both had on everyone here (what's left of who remain at least). I don't know the details, nor do I care to get involved, but for the betterment of keeping some part of this place still alive, I hope you're both able to agree to disagree or amicably move forward.

I regret a couple of things. For starters, I regret caring so much about what others thought of me. I mostly lurked but posted occasionally. I was active in IRC as well and had disputes with a few folks on the forum from time to time. People like Rob and Baconfish come to mind. I was also literally like... 12 or 13 or something at the time, so I was pretty mature but thought of myself as more hardened than I actually was. A lot of that stuff got to me because I loved this community and played the **** out of Jedi Knight, MotS, XvT, XWA, etc on the Zone and just wanted to be liked.

My second regret is a spin on the first one. I decided to get into editing because I had a few friends who made mods/levels for JK and MOTS and I thought contributing to the community would automatically make me more accepted. I was mostly self-taught but again as a younger kid I didn't have a lot of patience to learn the more in-depth and sophisticated parts of the craft. Coding (cogs), lighting, animations (keyframes), and more intimidated me. I eventually released some levels and had a another half dozen or so more that are unfinished (still on my computer today), but I would have gotten a lot further had I put the time into it.

Fast forward to present day. I'm 35, work in the advertising industry and I'm on the executive leadership team at a fairly large agency. I have a nice job, make good money, and have a wife and kids. I'm a sucker for nostalgia and still reminisce about the old days and my many years with this community. It was mostly positive, but I truly credit who I am today based off of those formative years. I think had I been a few years older when I joined this community I likely would have gone harder into the editing route and potentially entered the gaming industry instead. I still have a passion for it and recently learned Unity and created an entire 1:1 working build of the main areas from the first act of Diablo II. I spent months learning the program and built the entire thing from scratch. I was super proud of myself to do it on the side and it felt like I came full circle to where this community started my passion for the hobby. If you're curious how it turned out, here's a shameless plug below:

Sorry, don't know how to play this video :(
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2023-07-13, 10:54 PM #23
My biggest regret was that I didn't stop 9/11. I probably could have, if I were on one of those planes.
former entrepreneur
2023-07-14, 4:11 AM #24
Biggest mistake would be not spending tike to interact. Like many others I lurked and posted very rarely.

@Dark_knight. The levels you never released. Any chance of you uploading somewhere to check out? Always love seeing other peoples work, even unfinished levels :-).
2023-07-14, 1:13 PM #25
Originally posted by Brian:
I have two, but I'll only post one for now.

former entrepreneur
2023-07-14, 1:26 PM #26
I'm sure there's been bigger mistakes, but the one that sticks with me is every time I've probably driven someone away from the ISB -- specifically NeS mostly -- because I made it no longer fun for them. I appreciated each and every person who contributed, and I was always greedy for more.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2023-07-14, 6:25 PM #27
Ah Geb, you didn't drive anyone away. :)

I wish I'd hung out on IRC all...and gotten to know some of you guys better.
2023-07-15, 9:44 AM #28
All the times I've been mega cringe on here

Other than that, idk
2023-07-15, 1:55 PM #29
I'm not really sure what FGR's deal with certain members is about. He told me once that they had their reasons or something words to that affect. He's always seemed pleasant to me but I haven't interacted much with him so take that for what it's worth.

You'd think as the one here most often, as far as I know, maligned as the resident bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobe, ... um ... islamophobe... Probably missing a few here... Anyway, you'd think I'd have made many mistakes, a lot of regrets, and much to atone for. Not one reasonable person here that has engaged in online conversations with me believes any of those things are true of me. If you say you do you are mentally incompetent or a liar.

My biggest mistakes here are the shear volume of time I have wasted here and ever thinking I could get along with many of you despite our differences. I do regret the the immense time I've spent here over the years. At times it was a replacement for social activities because I literally posted here from buildings that were routinely under attack. I think Darth Evad hosted pictures for me way back in '03 from what was, sometime before the war, a luxurious hotel in Mosul. I do not regret all of the time spent and my excommunication from the Unofficial Massazi Discord has really led to some much more healthy online communities that I am somewhat involved in (less now, I'm just busier). I have made some real friends online at Massassi and many other places now.

I have learned a lot from my interactions at Massassi and since post-9/11 everything seemed to be politics everywhere all the time, of course those were constant topics at Massassi. I learned quite some time ago that if you don't have an underlying common view, there isn't much point in debating an issue that follows. For example, and please forgive me that I do not recall who this portion of the conversation was with, in yet another silly gun control debate another member and I who probably didn't agree on the exact intent and meaning of the second amendment could agree that because the second amendment existed another constitutional amendment was the best route to address the topic. We probably could have or did have a pleasant philosophical conversation about the topic beyond as well.

I hope some of you may find that among your mistakes on Massassi is how you may have mistreated others. When I was allowed to return maybe eight-ish years ago I apologized to two members. Now, they both were and continued to be extremely rude to me but their behavior did not excuse mine. Short of demonic possession, which I have not ruled out for all, I think it's fair to say that our different opinions don't necessarily make us evil or bad people. There really is no excuse for unprovoked hostility. It's worse than childish. And if you disagree with that...

You're the reason Brian is planning to close this board. He's said several times the main reason isn't financial. I don't think he's said it and he hasn't told me this specifically but the negativity and hostility has worn us all out. So while some of you might still want to have some fun in some of the old classic threads, we turned this place into a toxic waste dump and sucked the motivation out of the site owner to maintain it. We all know forums are superior to what Discord offers but we ruined and abandoned the one we loved and then run down the owner for screwing it up and then starting another Discord.

Shame on all of us.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2023-07-15, 2:21 PM #30
Originally posted by Wookie06:

Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2023-07-15, 5:26 PM #31
I'm beginning to think maybe this thread wasn't the best idea.
former entrepreneur
2023-07-15, 5:28 PM #32
Originally posted by Reid:
All the times I've been mega cringe on here

Other than that, idk

i don't know man i think your opinions about the CIA and wikileaks from 2016/2017 hold up really well
former entrepreneur
2023-07-15, 9:54 PM #33
Originally posted by Eversor:
I'm beginning to think maybe this thread wasn't the best idea.

I dunno, Krok and I found it pretty funny

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-15, 10:00 PM #34
Originally posted by Dark__Knight:
For the record, I'm unbiased but I respect both FGR and Jon`C. Both of you have contributed so much to this community over the years.

Thanks, man - and glad to hear you've been doing well!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2023-07-15, 10:21 PM #35
Originally posted by Eversor:
My biggest regret was that I didn't stop 9/11. I probably could have, if I were on one of those planes.

Weren't you something like 12 at the time?
My blawgh.
2023-07-15, 10:41 PM #36
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
Weren't you something like 12 at the time?

you're getting hung up on details
former entrepreneur
2023-07-15, 10:41 PM #37
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
I dunno, Krok and I found it pretty funny

former entrepreneur
2023-07-16, 2:13 AM #38
Originally posted by Wookie06:
You'd think as the one here most often ... maligned as the resident ... homophobic,

You came into discord one night and started using the f-slur against Jones for no reason, and continued a few more times when I asked you to stop
2023-07-16, 2:15 AM #39
Originally posted by Eversor:
i don't know man i think your opinions about the CIA and wikileaks from 2016/2017 hold up really well

I dont even remember what I said about the CIA tbh
2023-07-16, 8:55 AM #40
Same, but whatever you said I don’t think you’d agree with it now. It’d be funny to go back to it now (somewhere early in the Trump thread). It’s a memorialization of how weird the first few weeks and month of the Trump administration were.
former entrepreneur

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