It's called Go to It and it's in the Plutonia expansion pack, and it has to be the hardest damn level that i've ever played. It is the planet sith of Doom.
No, check that, its worse than planet sith in terms of enemies.
When the level starts, you go into a big square courtyard that has a ledge around it. And guess what's waiting for you on the ledge? Thats right, about 30 mancubuses (those big fat monsters that throw fireballs at you) (I'm not talking about the brown imps, these guys are fatter and they throw a lot more fireballs).
Once you kill those guys, you need to haul your battered body to another open courtyard that have cyberdemons, those flying skull things, spider monsters, a big spider monster, and big floating things that make more of those flying skull things. Once you kill these guys, another wall opens that has even *more* of them. iddqd time.
You have to go up against 3 cyberdemons in a small corridor, and once oyu kill one, a wall opens up with another one hiding behind it.
Once you dust those 3, you flip a button on the wall, and a wall opens up with about 20 those slime-throwing demons right about where all those mancubuses were in the beginning. And, get this-- three more cyberdemons.
The level is so hard is is probably impossible. You have lot of of ammo and health laying around, but it stil lisn't anywhere close to enough.
How have other people done with this level?
Most people regard me as the dark and immoral side of Massassi. At least I'm getting what I want out of life.
No, check that, its worse than planet sith in terms of enemies.
When the level starts, you go into a big square courtyard that has a ledge around it. And guess what's waiting for you on the ledge? Thats right, about 30 mancubuses (those big fat monsters that throw fireballs at you) (I'm not talking about the brown imps, these guys are fatter and they throw a lot more fireballs).
Once you kill those guys, you need to haul your battered body to another open courtyard that have cyberdemons, those flying skull things, spider monsters, a big spider monster, and big floating things that make more of those flying skull things. Once you kill these guys, another wall opens that has even *more* of them. iddqd time.
You have to go up against 3 cyberdemons in a small corridor, and once oyu kill one, a wall opens up with another one hiding behind it.
Once you dust those 3, you flip a button on the wall, and a wall opens up with about 20 those slime-throwing demons right about where all those mancubuses were in the beginning. And, get this-- three more cyberdemons.
The level is so hard is is probably impossible. You have lot of of ammo and health laying around, but it stil lisn't anywhere close to enough.
How have other people done with this level?
Most people regard me as the dark and immoral side of Massassi. At least I'm getting what I want out of life.