I'm in my third year of college, taking upper division courses and thinking to myself that I coulda done all this the years I was in high school, maybe even better.
I had a great High School/Middle School/Elementary school experience. It's just that it was so slow. I feel that I had years of my life just sitting and turning a wheel. Half the classes, hell, 3/4s of the classes were brain dead. The rest made me use my intellegence, oh, maybe once. The upper-crust of k-12 were AP classes supposedly, and those did jack of squat.
This really don't have a point, but who else feels that their time in high school and lower was a complete waste of time? Who else would thinks a different cirriculum was needed? Like maybe taking real lower division courses in high school, instead of that other crap. I mean really... PE, electives were crap. And why can't they just kick up the difficulty of science classes a notch to make them on par with college. It isn't like basic bio/chem/phys is that hard. Same goes for math. And history is history, english is english, just make a few modifications to make them the same.
I dunno, I was just reading some graduate books and saying "I wish I could be doing this now".
Also another thought is offer many foreign languages at elementary age, because the way humans learn language...
Blarg, it all just seems so stupid and inefficent the way it is now.
http://www.4guys-1dragoon.cjb.net -No porn. We promise*
I had a great High School/Middle School/Elementary school experience. It's just that it was so slow. I feel that I had years of my life just sitting and turning a wheel. Half the classes, hell, 3/4s of the classes were brain dead. The rest made me use my intellegence, oh, maybe once. The upper-crust of k-12 were AP classes supposedly, and those did jack of squat.
This really don't have a point, but who else feels that their time in high school and lower was a complete waste of time? Who else would thinks a different cirriculum was needed? Like maybe taking real lower division courses in high school, instead of that other crap. I mean really... PE, electives were crap. And why can't they just kick up the difficulty of science classes a notch to make them on par with college. It isn't like basic bio/chem/phys is that hard. Same goes for math. And history is history, english is english, just make a few modifications to make them the same.
I dunno, I was just reading some graduate books and saying "I wish I could be doing this now".
Also another thought is offer many foreign languages at elementary age, because the way humans learn language...
Blarg, it all just seems so stupid and inefficent the way it is now.
http://www.4guys-1dragoon.cjb.net -No porn. We promise*