You could register an account for that service, so that the person who will download that will download it from the site, and afterwards you'll delete it from there etc. You can have 100 megs of stuff in one account, but I wouldn't put any homepages there, since possibly they would lead to porn sites or such, but it is suitable for stuff like this.
Shortly: Upload the trailers in an account registered there, and after the files are downloaded by whoever is going to d/l them, delete them.
If you don't want to use your own e-mail for the registering... create an useless extra e-mail account somewhere!
You possibly just have to rename the file extension from the avi/mpg/etc to some combination of letters. You don't have to change the file type itself, just rename the extension and after the file is downloaded, the extension shall be changed back to the real one.
Here's just my suggestion, I've used it for... *coughcough* Well, yeah...
Yes, this site is free and you have to use it's account manager to upload the files...bah...
<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
[This message has been edited by FastGamerr (edited January 11, 2004).]