For school: A sherlock holmes chapter, the crucible, and the reading in my texts books
The Silmarillion
Meaning to finish Without Remorse by Tom Clancy, and finish his series sometime
I'm going to go out and do stuff, like besides work. Call up ben, hang out. Maybe see the last samurai, go skydiving, whatever.
Get back into the gym...
I want to do stuff that prevents me from playin video games so I can only play them a few hours a day, basically.
Veger, who died when he lost his e-mail adress, and his password. Veeger still looks for his old pass...)
I'm going to go out and do stuff, like besides work. Call up ben, hang out. Maybe see the last samurai, go skydiving, whatever.
Get back into the gym...
I want to do stuff that prevents me from playin video games so I can only play them a few hours a day, basically.
Veger, who died when he lost his e-mail adress, and his password. Veeger still looks for his old pass...)