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ForumsDiscussion Forum → A Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire soundtrack?
A Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire soundtrack?
2004-01-12, 3:39 PM #1
At first I thought it was based on the game released by the Nintendo 54, but evidently, the score was actually for the novel. Anyone own this? I wonder how it stacks up to William's original score.
2004-01-12, 3:43 PM #2
Actually, Shadows of the Empire was a whole multimedia event. I have it. It's okay.

former TACC outcast
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2004-01-12, 3:45 PM #3
Never even heard of it

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-12, 3:48 PM #4
Was Nintendo 54 missing 10 of something?

All the prism in the world couldn't make hue.
2004-01-12, 4:06 PM #5
I have it, it's pretty good. If you play the N64 game, they use some of the music in it from the soundtrack.
2004-01-12, 4:06 PM #6
I always heard that N64 had "64-bit graphics," but the problem is that 64-bit coloring doesn't exist, so it leaves me wondering what was 64-bit.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
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the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-01-12, 5:37 PM #7
I also have it as well, and I like it. It's not as thematic as the traditional scores, it has more of a classical music style to it rather than a soundtrack style. But its definately worth getting.

You underestimate the power of the Dark Side...

DSettahr's Homepage
2004-01-12, 5:55 PM #8
Does it have the song from the final mission of the game (Xizor's Skyhook)? That was an excellent one, a real standout...
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-01-12, 6:14 PM #9
Yes, one of the best songs on the album
2004-01-12, 7:51 PM #10
Well, I have the game for PC.

And the CD has all the tracks played at the game at cda...unfortunately they are just excerpts from the soundtrack itself []

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan

[This message has been edited by FastGamerr (edited January 12, 2004).]
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-01-12, 8:39 PM #11
I bought it years ago. I love it. I consider it a must have star wars score, just like all the others.

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2004-01-13, 12:00 AM #12
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolfy:
I always heard that N64 had "64-bit graphics," but the problem is that 64-bit coloring doesn't exist, so it leaves me wondering what was 64-bit.</font>

Actually there are several 64-bit pixel formats. DirectX has a signed integer ABGR format and a couple of floating point ones.
As far as I know the N64 just had a 64-bit RISC processor.
2004-01-13, 2:43 AM #13
The SotE score is pretty good. My favorites are still the Skyhook battle, Swoop chase, and Battle of Gall. McNeely did a good job interweaving John Williams' classic themes into his own music.

2004-01-13, 8:19 AM #14
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Darth J:
I bought it years ago. I love it. I consider it a must have star wars score, just like all the others.


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2004-01-13, 2:48 PM #15
Oops a typo... I meant Nintendo 64. When was Shadows of the Empire written by the way?
2004-01-13, 3:32 PM #16
I was the one that got J to get it....=)
2004-01-13, 3:38 PM #17
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cloud:
When was Shadows of the Empire written by the way?</font>


I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-13, 4:39 PM #18
The book isn't bad, but the game is terrible. It kind of ruins my experience of the book, for sure. (Especially since I played the game before the book.)
2004-01-13, 5:17 PM #19
Good ol' N54........

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2004-01-13, 6:25 PM #20
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jedi Legend:
The book isn't bad, but the game is terrible. It kind of ruins my experience of the book, for sure. (Especially since I played the game before the book.) </font>

I'm glad I played the game first, because I would have been disappointed if I had read the book first. The game was good at the time, I consider it a classic because it was the first fully 3D Star Wars game on a my knowledge.

...Does anyone know what happens if you beat it on normal or hard mode? I never figured out what happened to him in the game.

I'm going to go out and do stuff, like besides work. Call up ben, hang out. Maybe see the last samurai, go skydiving, whatever.
Get back into the gym...
I want to do stuff that prevents me from playin video games so I can only play them a few hours a day, basically.
(Formally Veger, who died when he lost his e-mail adress, and his password. Veeger still looks for his old pass...)
I'm going to go out and do stuff, like besides work. Call up ben, hang out. Maybe see the last samurai, go skydiving, whatever.
Get back into the gym...
I want to do stuff that prevents me from playin video games so I can only play them a few hours a day, basically.
(Formally Veger, who died when he lost his e-mail adress, and his password. Veeger still looks for his old pass...)
2004-01-13, 7:24 PM #21

Dash's ship makes the jump to hyperspace right before it would've been destroyed. He and that droid (whatever his name was) assume new identities and spend the rest of their lives scouring the galaxy for new adventures.

You underestimate the power of the Dark Side...

DSettahr's Homepage
2004-01-13, 7:51 PM #22
I own the game, novel, and yes the soundtrack as well and enjoyed all three. The game is average, but the experience is enhanced when you play the starship levels on a projector. [] The novel is excellent, one of my favies among the SW novels. The soundtrack is good, kind of dull thru the first few tracks nothing moving, but then the track thats the 'waltz dance' between Leia and Xizor is cool. followed by great dramatic tracks. I espescially like the sewer track. I had always hoped they would make a movie out of the novel in cgi or something...

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  • FUGE0: if i suddenly type in 911, trace my IP and have the paramedics show up at my door, with all these eggs, and smoking, it might very well kill me
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2004-01-14, 3:11 AM #23
The 3rd person levels left something to be desired, especially when you had to awkwardly jump or fall [or collide] to your death.

The Hoth level, however, is a real gem.
2004-01-14, 2:22 PM #24
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Avenger:


Too bad it wasn't released earlier. Maybe then a movie could had been made. So can someone give me the epitome of the story? The book sounds interesting.
2004-01-14, 3:07 PM #25
Cloud: It's a detailed account of what happens between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The classic SW ensemble of Luke, Leia, Chewie, Lando and the droids are all there, as they search for Boba Fett in order to free Han. The finding of the Death Star plans and the infamous phrase 'many Bothans died to get us these plans' (or near enough) is explained. Additionally, there are two new characters - Dash Rendar, the replacement lovable rogue who you play as in the game; and Prince Xizor, head of the Black Sun criminal organisation and principal villain vying for the Emperor's favour against Darth Vader.

Overall, I really enjoyed expanded on the core story without ever seeming a cheap cash-in or filler. A wise investment for any SW fan.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-01-15, 12:22 PM #26
I've always been a fan of the "Battle of Gall" number... it's very playful near the start actually, especially around 1:30 into the song. The rest is the usual adrenaline rush music necessary for starfighter piloting.

Burrie - an old, pissed, dillusional, ghetto Scott-Dutchman with an Austrian accent
The answer is maybe.
2004-01-15, 2:08 PM #27
I always thought there should had been some sort of movie in between ESB and RotJ. I mean if you're just a regular movie goer, wouldn't it be hard to understand how Luke suddenly became so adapt at using the force (did he do any special training in Shadows of the Empire?)? How about his new green lightsaber?
2004-01-15, 2:54 PM #28
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cloud:
I always thought there should had been some sort of movie in between ESB and RotJ. I mean if you're just a regular movie goer, wouldn't it be hard to understand how Luke suddenly became so adapt at using the force (did he do any special training in Shadows of the Empire?)? How about his new green lightsaber? </font>

Yeah, like, how did Anakin get so much taller in between Episodes I and II?

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DSettahr's Homepage
2004-01-15, 8:29 PM #29
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cloud:
I always thought there should had been some sort of movie in between ESB and RotJ. I mean if you're just a regular movie goer, wouldn't it be hard to understand how Luke suddenly became so adapt at using the force (did he do any special training in Shadows of the Empire?)? How about his new green lightsaber? </font>

You're right, Cloud. Fortunately, it's all covered in SotE. When he's not fighting or uncovering new stuff in the book, Luke is more or less continuously training. And it tells in detail the construction of the green lightsaber.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998

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