Hi guys I'm Priam, done a few levels and reviews in my time, and I was wondering if anyone would follow up this idea of mine... anyway here it is: I was just thinkin how there's always supposed to be balance in the Universe (one thing the Force does its balance stuff, like good n evil), and after all the books and stuff that take place after Episode VI, it didn't seem that there was balance anymore, like the light side had gotten too powerful. Anyhow, the idea "Balance of the Force" is basically the evil of the galaxy rising again, to match the Rise of the Jedi... no longer would there be an Empire and a Rebellion, but a Republic and a 4th Reich or a Fellowship of the Sith or something. Anyway that's the idea, and here's an opener; if anyone wants to add stuff feel free:
Again Aeschylus swung, throwing his full weight into another fierce assault into the unyielding Jedi's sword. Hands chafing underneath their heavy leather gloves, the Sith assassin hurled the scarlet blade again, but it skid ever so tantalizingly over the blue glow of his young target's weapon, as the stinging acid rain poured through the stratosphere and city haze, between the mighty towers of what Mos Eisley had become, spilling over the loud, moaning ventilation machines atop one of the many city towers. Years ago Skywalker had attempted to change his father's homeworld form a desert into a wetter, more temperate world... but the Inner Circle managed to warp and derrange the project beyond all intended results. Aeschylus' face twisted into a thick snarl, as the Jedi again gained his feet, slinking away into the shadows of the rooftop. But Aeschylus pursued, and when the Jedi swung he more than matched it, beginning a fierce, unrelenting avalanche of pent up rage...
"You cannot win, Aeschylus..." the fool retorted. But the Sith was confounded as his Jedi enemy managed to block each of his blows... "You may destroy me, but there will come a time when he who lives by the sword will die by it..."
And that was enough for Aeschylus. He smashed the Jedi's esophagus with his unyielding hatred, and left with the decapitated head, as bounty for Lord Sullus.
Again Aeschylus swung, throwing his full weight into another fierce assault into the unyielding Jedi's sword. Hands chafing underneath their heavy leather gloves, the Sith assassin hurled the scarlet blade again, but it skid ever so tantalizingly over the blue glow of his young target's weapon, as the stinging acid rain poured through the stratosphere and city haze, between the mighty towers of what Mos Eisley had become, spilling over the loud, moaning ventilation machines atop one of the many city towers. Years ago Skywalker had attempted to change his father's homeworld form a desert into a wetter, more temperate world... but the Inner Circle managed to warp and derrange the project beyond all intended results. Aeschylus' face twisted into a thick snarl, as the Jedi again gained his feet, slinking away into the shadows of the rooftop. But Aeschylus pursued, and when the Jedi swung he more than matched it, beginning a fierce, unrelenting avalanche of pent up rage...
"You cannot win, Aeschylus..." the fool retorted. But the Sith was confounded as his Jedi enemy managed to block each of his blows... "You may destroy me, but there will come a time when he who lives by the sword will die by it..."
And that was enough for Aeschylus. He smashed the Jedi's esophagus with his unyielding hatred, and left with the decapitated head, as bounty for Lord Sullus.