This is the story of Yun, a young force adept boy to whom the universe had no mercy, from a certain point of view. The tale begins on the planet of Nal Hutta during the time of the fall of the Empire....
It is a dark night. The planet is cold. Winds are ravaging against the swathy, curved buildings that serve as homes for the Hutts, as dark creatures scury about the ground. But then Nal Hutta never was known for its planetary beauty. The streets of the populated city, Boon' Ishta are completely deserted. Except for one person. A woman, dark in complexion and even darker in thought runs through the streets at a harried pace.
(Crapola, gotta go! I WILL continue this later.... I have something cool in mind.. so I'd appreciate if u didn't continue this on... yet....)
[This message has been edited by ThreeDee (edited October 08, 1999).]
It is a dark night. The planet is cold. Winds are ravaging against the swathy, curved buildings that serve as homes for the Hutts, as dark creatures scury about the ground. But then Nal Hutta never was known for its planetary beauty. The streets of the populated city, Boon' Ishta are completely deserted. Except for one person. A woman, dark in complexion and even darker in thought runs through the streets at a harried pace.
(Crapola, gotta go! I WILL continue this later.... I have something cool in mind.. so I'd appreciate if u didn't continue this on... yet....)
[This message has been edited by ThreeDee (edited October 08, 1999).]