Akar Juaken decided that all was _not_ going well as he lurked in the shadows on the upper deck of Kionvor Hydro Plant, having barely escaped the explosion of his landing speeder. The raid had been planned by The Group, a top-secret organization dedicated to eradicating key leaders in underground groups to assassinate Jkior Kionvor, the owner of a network of sea farms for the Phraag plant, a essential food product for Imperial Stoormtroopers. Lately, he had seemingly been contacted by the Rebellion, and was refusing exports. As Akar reached the end of his current cover , he found a switch for the door in one of the control towers. He switched it, hoping to gain access to the inside, where Kionvor was supposedly residing currently. The door turned out to be locked, and attemping to hotwire it set off security alarms. As he tried to regain his cover and find an alternate route in, he glanced behind him, only to find...
Jkior...the ultimate joker!
The only editing group with one member and a sense of humor.
The only editing group with one member and a sense of humor.