Well here it is! the full topic from The original Threeworder post... very interesting stuff people!
-slug and speak...
-make cool mods
-...and today we find them busily at work on their latest creation, when a funny squeeking noise appeared directly above them.
-Meanwhile Brian L is hard at work on...
-6000 block.
-And RobX is...
-...writing a story about slug, speak, and brian.
-who is reading it now and realizing that it makes no sense
-but then Thren says that at least it makes more sense than the three worders on JL, even if it isn't a three worder anymore.
-Then the duck sayed...
-"Oh, gross! I stepped on a purple slug! Eww!"
-"than a Chicken started to cross a road...
-But then it realised that the side it used to be on was better so it doubled back.![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
-and then a bomb was ticking down currently at 30 sec and still going down...
-And then it exploded. Boom.
-POISONED CHIKEN!!!!! Speak doubled over in pain as his stomach churned with the radioactive chicken boiling his innards.
Speak now being unable to move trys to cry out but the duck not caring any bit walked out on Speak and went back home to
his loving ducky wife. Speak gasps for air but the radioactivity is changing him and mutating him into something different.....
-Ares was crusing along in his Viper. (vroom). Suddenly these ducks appeared as he rounded a blind curve! He couldnt stop in time! He swerved to avoid hitting the duck family, and in the proccess hit a street sign, wich in turn went flying high into the air. It gained speed as it fell and sliced through some power lines. The cut active lines swung down and hit a tree. The very dry tree in turn caught fire. The flames burned through the base of the tree, it fell and, landed on the ducks flattening them.
Ares: "Dammit, i did all that to avoid hitting some stupid ducks... And they in turn got killed anyway." Ares bursts into lafter when he realizes the humor of the situation. "Bwa ha ha ha..."
-...Speak was turning into a...uhh...what is that?....oh my god its.....
-a, -ian! ahh!! poor Speak... meanwhile, a cop is arresting Ares for destruction of City property, grand theft auto, and four counts of duck murder. Then suddenly, with no sign of warning, Ares reaches into his pocket and...
-pull's out his giant rubber chicken! The cop is laughing too hard to realize that Ares drove away. The cop then...
-discoveres the Viper was owned by Ares, after all and, sees on a conviently placed roadside camera that he swerved to avoid the ducks, wich in turn forced him to hit the sign, wich in turn, cut the lines that burned the tree, that crushed the ducks. Then the cop has roast duck for dinner. He then goes out for donughts. Then Ares...
-decides to celebrate his close call from being misunderstood by...
-inviting Speak over for some pop rocks and coke. They eat the poprocks and drink the soda at the same time, then...
-...the acid in the soda and the popping rocks resulting in there mouths poping everywhere, once the popping stop, the people that heard the noice rushed over to see...
Ares and Speak explode in a salvo of poprocks and innards. The spectators try and sheild their eyes but to no avail. The people in the front row are the first to go the others were buried under the dead bodies. When the police came to clean things up they found.........
-That it was really not Ares that was killed, but his evil twin.
-...Whose death was the cause of celebration for the entire galaxy of Dibsle!!!
-But in a horrible twist of fate {and quite an irony too}the REAL Ares was struck down by a Dodge Viper whose driver was on
his way to the Evil twins funeral...Then.....
-Ares has a strong will to live. So he gets up, brushes himself off, and hops in his Viper to chase down the hit and run driver.....
-::tick, tick, tick::
Ares looks around not realizing what that noise is. The ticking becomes louder and faster. And in those last seconds come the stunning revalation...Ares forgot to pay his bookie!!! this is how Joe "madman" McGruff pays back people who dont pay their debts. In a brilliant explosion of metal and limbs Ares can finally be at rest knowing that at least he didnt have to pay off his debts...; ). Meanwhile...
-Brian releases 6000 block and hell freezes over ; ) then with hell in suck a deep freeze...
-Fortunately, it was Ares's clone that was killed, (Ares has made to many enemies to go out for a casual drive.) But unfortunately, One of his many vipers was destroyed....
Ares: "That bookie will pay...." (NOONE blows up my Viper. Or they will suffer cruel and unusual punishment....)
-[[[[[[ sorry, but I Got Rid of that Cartoon moment of RobX and Ares
ill shorten it up a bit]]]]]]]]]
-RobX falls off a Cliff with alot of wreakage in his car, but he ejected and landed safley
-In an amazing display of light RobX emerges from the wreckage unscathed although weary from the past battles. Feeling the power from within RobX undergoes a power transformation that leaves RobX more powerful than a god. The "super" RobX flys in the direction of Ares car. Using the power from within RobX sends out a Beam of energy twoards the viper. . Ares squeals in the shear horror at the sight of the energy beam headed for him. He trys to swerve but the Specially equiped Viper is to heavy to get out of the way in time... One energy beam + One unprofessionaly remolded Viper= one huge wreck
-...While Ares is dead, the Ducks that Ares hit while crusin' in his Viper. there father was really annoyed at who hit his family, so the ducks father go to Ares Old Home to find...
-Ares clone, who picks up the duck and runs him over with his car.
-and then RobX's House Explodes with him in it ending with a nice shower of Blood, Organs, and Bones! after he exploded and we dont have to worry about him anymore
everyone else...
-Was happy that only his clone was destroyed
Story Makers:
Rob X
Phew! wow that was alot, but its very cool to read!
- Commander JeDi BoY of Red Squadron
-- Is that a Cheeseburger or a Stormtrooper
[This message has been edited by JeDiBoY (edited October 21, 1999).]
-slug and speak...
-make cool mods
-...and today we find them busily at work on their latest creation, when a funny squeeking noise appeared directly above them.
-Meanwhile Brian L is hard at work on...
-6000 block.
-And RobX is...
-...writing a story about slug, speak, and brian.
-who is reading it now and realizing that it makes no sense
-but then Thren says that at least it makes more sense than the three worders on JL, even if it isn't a three worder anymore.
-Then the duck sayed...
-"Oh, gross! I stepped on a purple slug! Eww!"
-"than a Chicken started to cross a road...
-But then it realised that the side it used to be on was better so it doubled back.
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
-and then a bomb was ticking down currently at 30 sec and still going down...
-And then it exploded. Boom.
-POISONED CHIKEN!!!!! Speak doubled over in pain as his stomach churned with the radioactive chicken boiling his innards.
Speak now being unable to move trys to cry out but the duck not caring any bit walked out on Speak and went back home to
his loving ducky wife. Speak gasps for air but the radioactivity is changing him and mutating him into something different.....
-Ares was crusing along in his Viper. (vroom). Suddenly these ducks appeared as he rounded a blind curve! He couldnt stop in time! He swerved to avoid hitting the duck family, and in the proccess hit a street sign, wich in turn went flying high into the air. It gained speed as it fell and sliced through some power lines. The cut active lines swung down and hit a tree. The very dry tree in turn caught fire. The flames burned through the base of the tree, it fell and, landed on the ducks flattening them.
Ares: "Dammit, i did all that to avoid hitting some stupid ducks... And they in turn got killed anyway." Ares bursts into lafter when he realizes the humor of the situation. "Bwa ha ha ha..."
-...Speak was turning into a...uhh...what is that?....oh my god its.....
-a, -ian! ahh!! poor Speak... meanwhile, a cop is arresting Ares for destruction of City property, grand theft auto, and four counts of duck murder. Then suddenly, with no sign of warning, Ares reaches into his pocket and...
-pull's out his giant rubber chicken! The cop is laughing too hard to realize that Ares drove away. The cop then...
-discoveres the Viper was owned by Ares, after all and, sees on a conviently placed roadside camera that he swerved to avoid the ducks, wich in turn forced him to hit the sign, wich in turn, cut the lines that burned the tree, that crushed the ducks. Then the cop has roast duck for dinner. He then goes out for donughts. Then Ares...
-decides to celebrate his close call from being misunderstood by...
-inviting Speak over for some pop rocks and coke. They eat the poprocks and drink the soda at the same time, then...
-...the acid in the soda and the popping rocks resulting in there mouths poping everywhere, once the popping stop, the people that heard the noice rushed over to see...
Ares and Speak explode in a salvo of poprocks and innards. The spectators try and sheild their eyes but to no avail. The people in the front row are the first to go the others were buried under the dead bodies. When the police came to clean things up they found.........
-That it was really not Ares that was killed, but his evil twin.
-...Whose death was the cause of celebration for the entire galaxy of Dibsle!!!
-But in a horrible twist of fate {and quite an irony too}the REAL Ares was struck down by a Dodge Viper whose driver was on
his way to the Evil twins funeral...Then.....
-Ares has a strong will to live. So he gets up, brushes himself off, and hops in his Viper to chase down the hit and run driver.....
-::tick, tick, tick::
Ares looks around not realizing what that noise is. The ticking becomes louder and faster. And in those last seconds come the stunning revalation...Ares forgot to pay his bookie!!! this is how Joe "madman" McGruff pays back people who dont pay their debts. In a brilliant explosion of metal and limbs Ares can finally be at rest knowing that at least he didnt have to pay off his debts...; ). Meanwhile...
-Brian releases 6000 block and hell freezes over ; ) then with hell in suck a deep freeze...
-Fortunately, it was Ares's clone that was killed, (Ares has made to many enemies to go out for a casual drive.) But unfortunately, One of his many vipers was destroyed....
Ares: "That bookie will pay...." (NOONE blows up my Viper. Or they will suffer cruel and unusual punishment....)
-[[[[[[ sorry, but I Got Rid of that Cartoon moment of RobX and Ares
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
-RobX falls off a Cliff with alot of wreakage in his car, but he ejected and landed safley
-In an amazing display of light RobX emerges from the wreckage unscathed although weary from the past battles. Feeling the power from within RobX undergoes a power transformation that leaves RobX more powerful than a god. The "super" RobX flys in the direction of Ares car. Using the power from within RobX sends out a Beam of energy twoards the viper. . Ares squeals in the shear horror at the sight of the energy beam headed for him. He trys to swerve but the Specially equiped Viper is to heavy to get out of the way in time... One energy beam + One unprofessionaly remolded Viper= one huge wreck
-...While Ares is dead, the Ducks that Ares hit while crusin' in his Viper. there father was really annoyed at who hit his family, so the ducks father go to Ares Old Home to find...
-Ares clone, who picks up the duck and runs him over with his car.
-and then RobX's House Explodes with him in it ending with a nice shower of Blood, Organs, and Bones! after he exploded and we dont have to worry about him anymore
everyone else...
-Was happy that only his clone was destroyed
Story Makers:
Rob X
Phew! wow that was alot, but its very cool to read!
- Commander JeDi BoY of Red Squadron
-- Is that a Cheeseburger or a Stormtrooper
[This message has been edited by JeDiBoY (edited October 21, 1999).]
"Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend"
"If you make it easier, it makes you lazier!"
"If you make it easier, it makes you lazier!"